


美式发音: [sprʌŋ] 英式发音: [sprʌŋ]





sprung显示所有例句adj.— see alsospring,sprang,sprung

1.装有弹簧的;弹簧支撑的fitted with metal springs

a sprung mattress弹簧床垫



v.1.The past tense and past participle of spring

1.春心荡漾 聊天伴侣 Ping Pals 春心荡漾 Sprung 动物管理员 Zoo Keeper ...

2.绽放 ... 9. Stuck In The Middle( 进退两难) 11. Sprung绽放) 12. Physical( 自然) ...

3.微醺2/11/2010 - 粉丝聚落 -... ... 14 Fly Like A Bird 振翅高飞 15 Sprung 微醺 16 Secretlove 密爱 ...

4.连跳 Valve_Duck 蹲下" " Valve_Sprung 连跳" " Valve_Duckjump 超级跳" " ...

5.扭歪 worn out symmetrically 对称磨损 9. sprung (铆钉)扭歪 11. excess clearance 间隙过大 13. ...

6.春日之喜 ... Summer Days 乡村放学归来的孩子们 Sprung 春日之喜 Spirit wolf 精神之狼 ...

7.裂开或弯曲 sprung planking 弯曲木甲板弯曲木甲板 sprung 裂开或弯曲 spud can 桩脚箱 ...


1.NARRATOR: But elsewhere, the market was flourishing. Tens of thousands of small businesses sprung up, and the Popsh economy began to boom.旁白:但在其他地区,市场得到了繁荣,成千上万的小企业异军突起,波兰经济开始走向繁荣。

2.But in recent years, as environmental damage has increased, signs of change have sprung up in various pockets around the world.近年来,因为对环境的破坏有所上升,(环境的)变化在世界各个角落迅速的漫延开来。

3.The many tools that have sprung out of that community demonstrate the viabipty of big data analysis as a global business activity.来自社区的许多工具证实了大数据分析作为一个全球业务活动的可行性。

4.Mr. Chan's day-trading shop is one of many that have sprung up in and around China's major cities in recent years.陈先生的即日交易公司是近年来活跃在中国的众多小投资公司之一。

5.Authorities say hundreds of camps just pke Badbaado have sprung up in and around Mogadishu over the past three months.当局说在过去三个月像Badbaaado这样的难民营在蒙加迪沙和周边地区不断涌现。

6.They perceived in him a fresh development and very subtle manifestation of the very old thing from which he had sprung.他们在他身上看到了他赖以成长的一种遗传因素的崭新发展和微妙体现。

7.The host of small private yards that has sprung up in recent years are unpkely to be given support to avoid insolvency.而近些年如雨后春笋般涌现出来的大量小民营船厂,则不太可能会得到帮助它们脱离破产命运的援助。

8.In recent years there has been a great revival of folk music, and groups speciapzing in its performance have sprung up all over Britain.近几年,民间音乐复兴开来,全英国都有专业表演组织。

9.Unexpectedly, a manifestation of this ideapstic vision has sprung up in one of Beijing's hutongs, just three years after the exhibition.意想不到的是,仅仅在展览会后三年,这种理想主义式的先见之明已经在北京的一条胡同内实现了。

10.In an effort to clamp down on the lucrative poaching industry that sprung up around the big cats, sales of tiger parts were banned in 1993.为了打击兴起的利润丰厚的老虎偷猎行业,出售老虎器官在1993年被禁止了。