


美式发音: [ˈkɑrnɪˌvɔr] 英式发音: [ˈkɑː(r)nɪvɔː(r)]



复数:carnivores  同义词




1.食肉动物any animal that eats meat


n.1.an animal that eats other animalsAn animal that only eats plants is called a herbivore, and an animal that eats flesh and plants is called an omnivore.; a person who eats meat

1.食肉动物 carnival 狂欢节,谢肉节 carnivore 食肉动物 carnivorous 食肉类的 ...

2.肉食动物 carnal 肉体的,五子的 carnivore 肉食动物 carnation 肉色 的塑? ...

3.食虫植物 食草动物 herbivore 食肉动物,食虫植物 carnivore 纲 class ...

4.食肉生物 Cardiovascular disease 心血管疾病 Carnivore 食肉生物 Carotene 胡萝卜素 ...

5.肉食性动物 同化作用 assimilation 肉食性动物 carnivore 臼齿 molar ...

6.食肉鱼时不论 FBI 在911 事件之后就 悄悄地将新版食肉者(Carnivore)软体加到各ISP 系统中,即就日常生活中的线上 沟通行为而言…


1.Just this fall, a team of researchers announced that they had found a new species of carnivore lurking in one of Madagascar's lakes.这个秋天,一个研究组宣布他们在马达加斯加的一个湖中发现了一种食虫植物。

2.I have long been a vociferous carnivore, and yet I have never witnessed the end of an animal I am going to eat.我一直是一个宣传食肉的人,但我从来没有亲眼目睹过一个将要被我吃的动物的结局。

3.I'll make a difference in your face if you don't get out of here. -Oh, the truth hurts, doesn't it, Captain Carnivore?你不离开这里,我就在你脸上有所做为。-噢,实话伤人,不是吗,食肉船长?

4.Even though it is not a carnivore, it has a very powerful and venomous bite and is easily provoked into attacking.虽然它并不是肉食类动物,但它却有着非常强劲而有毒的牙齿,而且容易被激起攻击欲。

5.The potential new species of carnivore in Borneo would be the first since the discovery of the Borneo ferret-badger in 1895, the WWF said.报道说,这是自1895年婆罗洲鼬獾被发现之后,人们在该地区发现的首个可能存在的新的食肉类动物。

6.This porcupine carcass stuffed with a steep-inducing plat is ideal for putting a large carnivore out of action.塞满麻醉植物的箭猪尸体是使大型食肉动物丧失行动能力的理想物品。

7.By now the wolf was getting angry at the pigs' refusal to see the situation from the carnivore's point of view.小猪竟敢拒绝从食肉动物的角度看清大势所趋,这让大灰狼极为愤怒。

8.The pttle carnivore -- about 6 feet tall -- was found on James Ross Island, off the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.身形短小的食肉恐龙约有6英尺长,是在南极半岛海岸线附近的詹姆士·罗斯岛上发现的。

9.Native to much of eastern and southern Asia, the tiger is an apex predator and an obpgate carnivore.该虎种原产于亚洲东部及南部的许多地方,属于掠食动物的顶端及专性食肉动物。

10.While it was not as gigantic as its prey, Giganotosaurus' overall size makes it the largest carnivore that has ever pved.虽然跃龙没有它的猎物那么庞大,但是拥有巨兽龙同身材的跃龙是世界上所有过数量最多的食肉动物。