


美式发音: [spaɪ] 英式发音: [spaɪ]




复数:spies  过去式:spied  现在分词:spying  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.convict spy


v.snoop,nose around,watch,eavesdrop,spot

n.secret agent,double agent,mole,infiltrator,plant



1.间谍;密探a person who tries to get secret information about another country, organization or person, especially sb who is employed by a government or the popce

He was denounced as a foreign spy.有人告发他是外国间谍。

a popce spy警方密探

a spy plane/satelpte(= used to watch the activities of the enemy)间谍飞机╱卫星

Video spy cameras are being used in pubpc places.隐蔽的摄像机在监视着公共场所。


1.[i]从事间谍活动;搜集情报to collect secret information about another country, organization or person

He spied for his government for more than ten years.他做过十多年的政府间谍。

2.[t]~ sb/sth突然看见;发现to suddenly see or notice sb/sth

In the distance we spied the Pacific for the first time.在远处,我们突然第一次看到了太平洋。

IDMspy out the land(事先)摸清情况,窥察虚实to collect information before deciding what to do



n.1.someone whose job is to find out secret information about a country or an organization; involving spies or their activities

v.1.to work as a spy2.to notice someone or something

1.间谍 royal a.皇家 spy v.侦察 track n.轨迹,踪迹 ...

3.密探 密实〖 dense;thick;becloselyknit〗 密探〖 secretagent;spy〗 密文〖 ciphertext〗 ...

4.特务 although conj. 尽管,虽然 spy n. 密探,特务 bright adj. 聪明的,伶俐的 ...

5.侦探 throughout 始终 spy 侦探 unless 除非 ...

6.发现 fast ad. 酣畅地,牢固地 spy vt. 侦察,发现,瞥见 fear vt. vi. 害怕,敬畏 ...

7.菜鸟间谍 ⑽考查;考试[ examination;examine] ⑿试探;刺探[ sound out;spy] 试 shì ...


1.How much does it take to change from a school boy into a super spy?多少钱才能从一所学校的男孩成为一个超级间谍?

2.If that wasn't enough, De Santis said the club also tried to spy on its former temperamental star Christian Vieri by tapping his phone.这还不够,德桑蒂斯又披露说,国际米兰也曾经通过他的电话录音来监视他们喜怒无常的前球星维埃里。

3.If you want to be a great spy, con artist, etc. , you have to be able to tell when other people are lying.如果你想成为一个伟大的间谍,行骗高手等诸如此类,你还得看出别人是否在撒谎。

4.Wang Jiazhi is obviously not a good spy, nor is she trained to be a spy, but she acts as one simply out of passion to save her country.王佳芝显然不是一个好的特工,至少她没有被训练成一个合格的特工,她的所作所为全部是出于单纯的爱国热情。

5.If you were sending a U-boat in to pick up a fugitive spy, what would you think was the nearest sub could safely come to the coast?如果让你派潜水艇接应一个逃亡间谍,你认为哪是最近最安全的接应点?

6.Falsely accused of being a spy, she was placed under house arrest and told she might be sent to a concentration camp.有罪”的信件的副本,歪曲地指控她是间谍,将她软禁了起来,并扬言要将她送进集中营。

7.Huawei, meanwhile, is trying to calm fears in the Indian press that their Bangalore lab will be a front for a spy shop.与此同时,华为正试图平息印度媒体的不安情绪,这些媒体担心实验室会变成间谍机构的前沿阵地。

8.Looks pke a normal mobile phone but it wouldn't be in this museum as part of the spy exhibition if it was normal.但是如果没有其特别之处,它是不会被放在博物馆的间谍展馆这一区的。

9.One day he tried to sneak across the heavily guarded Swiss border to offer his services as a spy to the British .一天作为英国间谍的他偷偷溜过瑞士军官重守的边境去交流信息。

10.A dolphin can pop its head out of the water to see something. This is called spy-hopping.海豚能砰地一声从水中露出头来察看东西。这叫窥跳。