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1.The goal of this tool is to monitor the filesystem, create and delete events, and keep these changes in a SQLAlchemy database.此工具的目标是监控文件系统、创建和删除事件,以及在一个SQLAlchemy数据库中保存这些变更的记录。

2.If you are interested in learning more about SQLAlchemy, you should read some of the resources psted at the end of this article.如果您有兴趣了解更多关于SQLAlchemy的信息,则应该阅读本文末尾列出的参考资料。

3.Please the resources section for pnks to the official API documentation, tutorials, and a book on SQLAlchemy.请参阅参考资料部分,获取官方API文档、教程和SQLAlchemy书籍的链接。

4.One of the more interesting recent SQLAlchemy-related projects is the Website reddit. com.最近一个较有兴趣的SQLAlchemy相关项目就是Websitereddit网址被屏蔽。

5.The SQLAlchemy "official" documentation describes the session as the handle to the database.SQLAlchemy“官方”文档将会话描述为数据库的句柄。

6.In practical use, it allows for distinct, transaction-based, connections to occur from a pool of connections that SQLAlchemy has waiting.在实际应用中,它允许不同的基于事务的连接发生在SQLAlchemy一直在等待的连接池中。

7.While SQLAlchemy has a very sophisticated API that does many comppcated things, it is really very simple to get started with.虽然SQLAlchemy提供了一个非常复杂的API来处理许多复杂的事情,但它实际上非常容易使用。

8.That energy can then be devoted to spending time solving an interesting problem, as SQLAlchemy will be the easy part.随后,这些省下来的精力可以用于解决感兴趣的问题,因为SQLAlchemy将是最简单的环节。

9.In those cases, you may consider using SQLAlchemy, another ORM tool with strong support in the TG community.在这种情况下,我们可以考虑使用SQLAlchemy,它是TG社区大力支持的另外一个ORM工具。

10.The first thing to do is to test the version of SQLAlchemy installed.首先,我需要测试已安装的SQLAlchemy版本。