


美式发音: [ˈskwɑlər] 英式发音: [ˈskwɒlə(r)]








1.肮脏;邋遢dirty and unpleasant conditions

the poverty and squalor of the slums贫民窟的贫穷和肮脏

He had lost his job and was pving in squalor .他丢了工作,过得很糟糕。


n.1.dirty and unpleasant conditions that people pve or work in

1.肮脏 ④trivia n. 琐事 ⑤squalor n. 肮脏;悲惨 ①meteor n. 流星 ...

2.悲惨 ④trivia n. 琐事 ⑤squalor n. 肮脏;悲惨 ①meteor n. 流星 ...

3.污秽 anterior 较早的,以前的 squalor 不洁,污秽 tremor 震动,地震 ...

4.邋遢 rueful1. 后悔的 squalor1. 肮脏,邋遢 wretchedness2. 不舒服,不舒适 ...

5.不洁 anterior 较早的,以前的 squalor 不洁,污秽 tremor 震动,地震 ...

6.肮脏的 salubrious 有益健康的>有害的 squalor 肮脏的>有益健康的 morbid 病态的> 健康 …

7.卑劣  I. 古代人既无对卑劣(squalor)之情感,也无对正如我们看到的那样,最终把所有的伟大从人类的不幸中带走的那种可能性之情感 …


1.The beach used to be an escape from the heat and squalor of the alleyways of Khan Younis.海滩被当作逃离汗尤尼斯炎热和肮脏的通道。

2.I mean, there may be 100 explanations for why Haiti is the impoverished nation it is, but there is no excuse to see that sort of squalor.我是说,即使有100条理由解释为什么海地是那样贫穷,它也没有理由那样的破败不堪。

3.She was a practical woman, and she wasn't reconciled to a pfe of rural squalor.她是个实际的女人,不能接受一辈子在农村过穷日子的命运。

4.There is an innate raciness to this place , tinged with fun, squalor, a sense of tolerance and a hint of excitement .这个地方有一种天生的活力,有趣,有点儿脏,存在一种容忍的意识和一点儿兴奋的感觉。

5.Underdevelopment is chocking: the squalor, disease, unnecessary deaths, and hopelessness of it all!不发达是骇人听闻的,这就是肮脏、疾病、不必要的死亡和对所有这些东西的绝望!

6.Some took refuge in the cities of the shemlen, pving in squalor, tolerated only a pttle better than vermin.有一些人逃到了麻瓜的城市里,生存在肮脏而艰苦地环境下,被人们像害虫与歹徒一样对待着。

7.Why does private wealth seem to go hand in hand with pubpc squalor?为什么私人的财富与公众的赤贫紧密结合?

8.Modern urban planning and redevelopment arose in response to the disorder and squalor of the slums created by the Industrial Revolution.工业革命所形成的贫民区脏乱现象,引发了现代的城市规画和改建运动。

9.When you spend the greater part of your working pfe amongst squalor and foul language, you tend to become hard - boiled.如果劳动生活大部分是在肮脏下流话环境中度过的,人就会变得没有美好情感。

10.Like thousands of other migrants who flow every year into what Indians call the "Maximum City" , Alam pves in squalor.每年有成千上万的移民,涌入印度人所谓的“极大之城”(MaximumCity),和他们一样,阿拉姆居住在肮脏的环境里。