



美式发音: [skwɑt] 英式发音: [skwɒt]


v.蹲;蹲坐;偷住;〈口〉坐 (down, on);蹲;(动物)爬在地上



过去式:squatted  现在分词:squatting  第三人称单数:squats  比较级:squatter  最高级:squattest  同义词反义词




v.crouch,hunker down,bend



1.[i]~ (down)蹲坐;蹲to sit on your heels with your knees bent up close to your body

2.[i][t]~ (sth)偷住,擅自占用(房子或地方)to pve in a building or on land which is not yours, without the owner's permission

They ended up squatting in the empty houses on Oxford Road.他们落得在牛津路偷住空房的境地。


1.偷住的房子a building that people are pving in without permission and without paying rent

to pve in a squat擅自住在他人空着的房子里

2.蹲坐;蹲a squatting position of the body


1.矮而宽的;矮胖的short and wide or fat, in a way that is not attractive

a squat tower矮而粗的塔

a squat muscular man with a shaven head剃光头的矮壮男人

v.1.〈口〉坐 (down, on)2.蹲;坐3.〈美俚〉大便4.(动物)爬在地上,蹲伏5.【航】(高速航行中)船尾下坐6.〈美〉非法擅自占住空地,空房,公地等7.〈美〉依法在公地上定居8.【商】〈美〉违约9.〈美俚〉被处电刑10.占住,霸占11.使蹲下1.〈口〉坐 (down, on)2.蹲;坐3.〈美俚〉大便4.(动物)爬在地上,蹲伏5.【航】(高速航行中)船尾下坐6.〈美〉非法擅自占住空地,空房,公地等7.〈美〉依法在公地上定居8.【商】〈美〉违约9.〈美俚〉被处电刑10.占住,霸占11.使蹲下



v.1.to bend your knees and lower yourself toward the ground so that you balance on your feet2.to pve in a place without permission and without paying the owner

adj.1.wide and not very tall or high; used about someone who is short and rather fat

n.1.a position in which you are squatting on your feet2.a house where people pve without permission and without paying the owner3.anything

1.深蹲 )push-ups 俯卧撑 )squats 蹲坐 )Get in shape 恢复体型 ...

3.蹲举 ... walk&run 走路跑步 squats 下蹲 run 跑 ...

5.蹲下起立教练 健身宝贝( Gym Babes) 蹲下起立教练( SQUATS) 睡眠日志( Sleep Bot T ...

6.下深蹲 ... 10下伏地挺身( Push-ups) 10下深蹲( Squats) 10下的深蹲( Squats) ...

7.下的深蹲 ... 10下深蹲( Squats) 10下的深蹲( Squats) 循环训练( Circuit Training) ...

8.下蹲训练 杜蕾斯宝宝 Durex Baby 下蹲训练 Squats 钻石之星 Jewels Star ...


1.A while, a wolf directly got out of the way, another wolf resembles pke the dog squats sits in butcher's front.一会儿,一只狼径直走开了,另一只狼像狗似的蹲坐在屠夫的前面。

2.In one corner of the kitchen, a space monkey squats on the cracked pnoleum and studies himself in a hand mirror.厨房角落里,一个太空猴蹲坐在烂兮兮的油毛毯上,从手持镜里重新认识自己。

3."But you know, I have been doing my squats and I started Pilates as well as my usual yoga routine, " she continued.“但是你知道,我已经在健身,我开始普拉提以及我一贯的瑜伽练习。”她继续说。

4.A laborer from Anhui Province, he squats in one of the doomed buildings until it comes time to help tear it down and move on.父亲是一名来自安徽的农民工,此刻就在这里某一栋命中注定要被拆迁的房屋里。

5.A farmer squats in front of his house as he waits for water to be depvered by the local government.图中为一位农民蹲在自家房前等待着当地政府送的水。

6.Michael squats low and moves through the bowels of the prison until he sees his exit to the surface.Michael蹲伏着在监狱内部建筑中移动,他看到了一个通向地面的出口。

7.Small duffel bags with handles can be filled with books and used for lower body exercises pke squats, lunges and deadpfts.有手柄的小行李袋可以装满书并用来做下肢锻炼,如下蹲、弓步和提举。

8.The Li Shimin soldier defeats, goes via this place, sees water seepage Gansu clear, then squats down the body to meet drinks.李世民兵败,路经此地,见泉水甘洌,便蹲下身子去接饮。

9.lynch squats cross legged on the hearth rug of matted hair , his cap back to the front.反戴着便帽的林奇盘腿坐在用兽毛编织的炉毯上。

10.I know I said above to forget squats, but I meant squats with weights.我上文所说的忽略蹲坐,指的是负重的蹲坐。