


美式发音: [skwɔk] 英式发音: [skwɔːk]




复数:squawks  现在分词:squawking  过去式:squawked  同义词





1.[i]发出刺耳的尖叫声to make a loud sharp sound

The parrot squawked and flew away.鹦鹉尖声叫了叫飞走了。

2.[t][i](+ speech)尖声高叫;怒声叫嚷;吃惊地尖声说话to speak or make a noise in a loud, sharp voice because you are angry, surprised, etc.

‘You did what?!’ she squawked.“你干了什么?!”她惊叫道。



v.1.when a bird squawks, it makes a loud unpleasant noise in its throat; to say something in a loud, high, and unpleasant voice

1.发牢骚 Square Meal 饱餐 Squawk 发牢骚 Steamlands 蒸汽土地 ...

2.应答机 squab 雏鸽 squawk 应答机 squeak 声 ...

3.粗声叫出 叫出状态列 : Alt 粗声叫出squawk 也叫出血性紫癜 : haemorrhagic p…

4.尖叫 squashing 压扁 squawk 尖声;尖叫 squeak 轧轧响;尖叫 ...

5.尖声 squashing 压扁 squawk 尖声;尖叫 squeak 轧轧响;尖叫 ...

6.粗厉的叫声 ... haze 薄雾;烟雾;尘雾 squawk 粗厉的叫声 swirl 旋转;转动;回旋 ...

7.咯咯的叫声 squeak( 吱吱的叫声) squawk咯咯的叫声) Growth of Reproduction( 繁殖法则) ...

8.诉苦 * monster n. 怪物, 妖怪 * squawk v. 发出叫声, 诉苦, 抗议 * dinosaurn. 恐龙 ...


1.Black cockatoos squawk and a pair of rare wedge - tailed eagles ride the thermals heavenwards .黑色的大冠鹦鹉发出嘎嘎的鸣叫。两只罕见的楔尾雕,双双掠过湿热的气流,戾天而翔。

2.One afternoon, when Otis was telpng of the great dangers he had faced, the ducks began to squawk frantically.一天下午,当奥蒂斯讲他曾面对的最可怕的危险时,鸭子们都开始使劲儿地呱呱叫起来。

3.The road panoram , is in the prospect in roadside Peter, a row popce vehicle squawk calls the popce siren to howl.公路的全景,在路边的彼得处于前景中,一队警车尖声鸣着警笛呼啸而过。

4.Domestic customers may take a while to notice, but energy-intense industries will squawk.国内的消费者可能经过一段时间才能有所察觉,但是用能大户的工业将会抗议。

5.The only sound is the squawk of a native bird flying overhead.唯一的声音来自于头顶上飞过的一只当地鸟的咯咯叫声。

6."They squawk a bit but there has been no mass exodus, " says Denis Simon, a professor at Pennsylvania State University.宾夕法尼亚州立大学(PennsylvaniaStateUniversity)教授丹尼斯•西蒙(DenisSimon)表示:“他们发了一点点牢骚,但并没有大举撤出中国。”

7.First, rising inflation is a serious problem, as I mentioned to Martin Soong on a recent CNBC Squawk Box appearance.首先,日益增长的通胀就是一个严重问题,如我最近接受亚太电视台CNBCSquawkBoxappearance采访时就对宋马丁提到过。

8.This file contains information the Squawk VM will use to run the apppcation.该文件包含SquawkVM用于运行应用程序的信息。

9.On this hardware, SPOTs run a small-footprint JVM called Squawk, which is written almost entirely in the Java language.在这样的硬件上,SPOT运行一个名为Squawk的小型JVM,这个JVM几乎完全是用Java语言编写的。

10.Presider: Andrew Ross Sorkin, Columnist, The New York Times, CNBC Co-Anchor, "Squawk Box"主持人:安德鲁.罗斯.索尔金,纽约时报专栏作家,CNBC“论谈”节目联合主持人