




1.辣椒酱半个柠檬 越南是拉差辣椒酱Sriracha)...1-2茶匙

4.拉差香甜辣椒酱 Sppt 斯普利特 SriRacha 泰国 St. Thomas 圣托马斯 ...

7.辣椒酱是拉差金山辣椒酱是拉差(SRIRACHA)位於离芭堤雅(PATTAYA)30分钟车程的地方,50年前当地制造出一种辣椒酱,口味特别好,即 …


1.A performer puts her head in the mouth of a crocodile at Thailand's Sriracha Tiger Zoo .在泰国是拉差龙虎园,一个表演者把自己的头放进鳄鱼的嘴里。

2.A tiger cub and a pig snooze together, at the Sriracha Tiger Zoo, in Thailand.在泰国,老虎宝宝和猪一起午睡。

3.Tiger cubs sit in their feeding pen with a sow pig, who hasbecome their surrogate mother, at the Sriracha Tiger Zoo inPattaya, Thailand.在泰国芭提雅的拉差龙虎园里,虎宝宝们与一只母猪卧在笼子里,这只母猪就是它们的临时妈妈。

4.A crocodile hatches during a crocodile hatching festival at the Sriracha Tiger Zoo in Bangkok.在泰国曼谷席拉查龙虎园里,在鳄鱼孵化节中孵化出一只小鳄鱼。

5.Three piglets rest next to their eight-year-old adoptive mother, Sai Mai, at Thailand's Sriracha Tiger Zoo.三只小猪在八岁的“养母”旁休息,赛迈,泰国的拉差龙虎园。

6.At Sriracha tiger zoo, Thailand, a proud mother with her babies. A tiger that has been raised on pigs milk looks after piglets as her own在泰国,Sriracha老虎动物园,一个自豪的母亲与她的孩子们。一只母猪喂大的老虎把仔猪当自己的孩子们一样照顾

7.Tbsp sriracha, an Asian chip sauce you can find in the international section of your grocery store1大勺亚洲辣椒酱(你可以在您的杂货店的国际食品区找到)