




1.双龙 世爵, Spyker 双龙, Ssangyong 斯巴鲁, Subaru ...

2.双龙汽车 ... SKODA 斯柯达车系 SSANGYONG 双龙车系 SUBARU 斯巴鲁车系 ...

7.双龙-南韩 RENAULT[ 雷诺-法国 ] SSANGYONG[ 双龙-南韩] SUBARU[ 富士-日本] ...

8.双龙车系资料 保时捷车系资料 Porshe 双龙车系资料 Ssangyong 菲亚特车系资料 Fiat ...


1."They have had a somewhat sobering experience of trying to do that, " he said, pointing to SAIC's experience with Ssangyong.他说:“他们在此方面已有了一次经历,从某种程度上说,这次经历发人深省。”他指的是上汽对双龙的收购。

2.The next day we walked half a Hill, to enjoy most of the scenery, down to meet a site's Ssangyong-dong, is still resting in a hotel.第二天我们走了半个雁荡山,欣赏了大部分的风景,满足的往下一个站点双龙洞,照样是在旅馆休息。

3.Ssangyong is one of South Korea's first big casualties of the global crisis that has led to a slump in demand for cars.双龙是韩国在此次全球经济危机中的首批大型受害者之一,此次危机已导致对汽车的需求大幅下滑。

4.SAIC said then that it would work with all parties to help "normapse" Ssangyong's operations.上汽当时称,它将与所有有关方面合作,帮助实现双龙运营的“正常化”。

5.Last week SAIC said that putting Ssangyong into receivership was the best option for the unit.上汽集团上周表示,让双龙进入接管程序,对该部门来说是最佳出路。

6.Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC) bought Ssangyong in South Korea and competed with Nanjing Auto over the entrails of Rover.上海汽车工业(集团)总公司(SAIC,上汽)收购了韩国双龙汽车(SsangyongMotor),还曾与南京汽车(NanjingAuto)角逐罗孚的核心资产。

7.The vehicle differs from current SsangYong models in that it uses monocoque construction to ensure a passenger car look, feel and comfort.车辆不同于目前双龙模式,因为它使用的单体建筑,以确保轿车外观和舒适。

8.One of the most anticipated revelations for the show is the surprisingly stypsh SsangYong C200 SUV.其中最值得期待的发现为证明是令人惊讶的时尚双龙C200SUV的。

9.Lee Yoo-il, former court-appointed manager for Ssangyong, was named as the carmaker's chief executive.之前由法院指定的双龙经理李裕一(LeeYoo-il)被任命为该公司首席执行官。

10.Wuxi information Ssangyong Paper Co. , Ltd is located in the scenic coast of Taihu Lake, Wuxi Taihu Lake National Tourism Resort area.无锡双龙信息纸有限公司座落于风景秀丽的太湖之滨,无锡太湖国家旅游度假区内。