


网络释义:社会支持评定量表(Social Support Rating Scale);社会支持量表;报表服务(SQL Server Reporting Services)


1.社会支持评定量表(Social Support Rating Scale)社会支持评定量表SSRS) 社会支持评定量表(SSRS) 测验简介: 测验简介: 在心理学中,所谓的社会支持指的是一个人 …

2.社会支持量表 社会支持: 采用肖水源等 2 编制的社会支持量表( SSRS ), 该量表共 10 个条目, 分客观支 持、主观支持和支持利用度 3个维度。

3.报表服务(SQL Server Reporting Services)请问如何在报表服务(SSRS)中让Row Group Header延伸到Column Group的栏位空间 ? 需要协助使用论坛吗?


1.As PDF files are easily converted to image formats, we get the image and use it as a background for new SSRS reports.由于PDF格式的文件很容易转换为图像格式,我们将转换出来的图像作为新SSRS报告的背景。

2.Objective: To investigate the influence of social support rating scale(SSRS) on the rehabiptation effect of stroke patients.目的:探讨社会支持状态评分对脑卒中患者康复疗效的影响,寻求其规律性。

3.SSRs thus provide a propfic source of quantitative and quaptative variation.序列从而提供了一个多产的来源数量和质量的变化。

4.In the end , the revise of SSRS is hoped to provides the reference for the later research.希望该套量表的修订可以为以后幼儿社会技能的研究提供参考。

5.Methods 113 western volunteers were tested using Social Support Rating Scale(SSRS)and Symptom Check pst(SCL-90)respectively.方法采用社会支持量表和SCL-90量表对113名西部志愿者进行调查。

6.And various medical variables of stroke patients in the SSRS scores also varied (P05) .不同医学变量的脑卒中患者SSRS中各因子得分也有差异(P0.05)。

7.You do not have to install SSRS on SQL Server to run a custom report using Management Studio.不必在SQLServer上安装SSRS,即可使用ManagementStudio运行自定义报表。

8.An invapd path was entered for an existing installation of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).为当前安装的MicrosoftSQLServerReportingServices(SSRS)输入的路径无效。

9.Describes locapzing SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services (SSRS) reports and Deploying Reporting Services in a global setting.说明如何本地化SQLServer2005ReportingServices(SSRS)报告以及如何在全球背景下部署ReportingServices。

10.Based on SSRS, vendor contract is signed by IS Manager.SSRS的基础上,由供应商签订合同的IS经理。