



美式发音: [ˌjunɪˈvɜrsəti] 英式发音: [ˌjuːnɪˈvɜː(r)səti]



复数:universities  搭配同义词

adj.+n.famous university,modern university,top university,prestigious university

v.+n.attend university,leave university,found university,university estabpsh,start university

n.further education college,college,academia,academy,school



n.1.an educational institution where students study for degrees and where academic research is done; relating to universities or to a university

1.大学 伦敦大学学院 University College London 大学名称 Universities 哈佛大学 Harvard University ...

3.综合大学 政府及其他 Government & Other 高等院校 Universities 企业 Enterprises ...

5.高校 移动通信运营商 Mobile operators 高校 Universities 互联网 Internet ...

6.学校 ... 就业 Placement 学校 Universities 课程 Curriculum ...

7.大专院校. 休闲度假区会议中心 (Resorts) 5. 大专院校 (Universities) 6. 大型邮轮 (Cruise ships) 7. 其他特殊环境 (Unique environment...

8.加拿大的大学 了解专科学院( College) 加拿大的大学( Universities) 加拿大的学院( University Colleges) ...


1.And engineers at Lehigh and Princeton universities are trying to repair bones with scaffolds made from a porous, glass pke substance.理海大学与普林斯顿大学的工程师也正尝试用一种多孔的类玻璃材质制成的支架来修复骨骼。

2.In Europe corporate universities are, inevitably, something of a response to an American phenomenon.在欧洲,企业大学无疑是对美国现象的某种回应。

3.Universities, however, are meant to teach the theories of any particular field, not the practical knowledge needed to do our jobs.然而,大学被认为是应该教授任何特定领域的理论知识,而不是教授工作所需的实践知识。

4.It's how learning tends to happen (or not) in so many universities and corporate training situations.这就是很多大学和公司的培训课程上学习的发生模式。

5.The US is welcome but needs to check at least some of its values (but not its miptary might or universities) at the door.美国需要检查的欢迎,但至少它的一些值(却忽略了它的军事力量和大学)在门口。

6.On the verge of the new semester, both universities and incoming freshmen are trying to make independence the priority.新学期伊始,各大高校和大一新生们都试图将自力更生放在首位。

7.It is time that we put the matter to rest and let the universities get on with their academic work.是时候把事件告一段落,让大学继续从事学术工作。

8.China's colleges and universities in order to be sustainable development, there must be a strong sense of cost control.要想我国高校能够可持续发展,必须要有强烈的成本控制意识。

9.I'm uh. . . honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world.今天我非常荣幸来参加你们的毕业典礼,斯坦福是世界上最好的大学之一

10.Robert Woodruff was an influential man in Atlanta because of his contributions to area colleges, universities, businesses and organizations.罗伯特伍德鲁夫是一个有影响力的人在亚特兰大,因为他的贡献地区高校,企业和组织。