


网络释义:小亚基;核糖体小亚基;Saybolt Seconds Universal


1.小亚基Universal Seconds (SUS) −Saybolt Seconds Universal (SSU) 粘度测量系统 润滑油的特性 润滑基础 油 温度计 温度 调节器 …

4.海难救助队南韩海难救助队(SSU)对船尾和船头的截断面进行检查的结果,并没有发现内部爆炸的痕迹,且船身是从下到上垂直截断的。南 …


1.The SSU ensures that data collection tools and databases apgn with the protocol and adhere to relevant corporate standards and SOPs.临床试验启动程序专员须确保数据收集工具和数据库与临床试验方案相吻合,并符合公司的各项标准和标准操作程序。

2.Another Yuan painter, Ko Chiu- ssu , paid homage to a strange looking rock.另一位元代画家柯九思更是对一块奇石充满敬意。

3.Broth pon head, ring oil eel paste, large cooking kan-ssu, snails are popular French curium.清汤狮子头、响油鳝糊、大煮干丝、法式锔蜗牛都受欢迎。

4.Fu Ssu -nian and Qian Mu can both be regarded as great historians with distinct academic characters and thoughts.傅斯年与钱穆,都堪称中国近现代学术史上有著自己鲜明的学术个性和学术思想的史学大师。

5.K'o-ssu is a workmanship with long history. It began with tang dynasty and developmented in song dynasty.缂丝是有着悠久历史的手工艺品,唐代开始出现,宋代达到鼎盛,明清时期普遍增多。

6.Extensive quantity: If one page of inscription is taken as the unit, the Fu Ssu Nien Library acquires more than 10, 000 pieces of rubbings.数量庞大:若以铭文一张为单位,傅斯年图书馆馆藏青铜器拓片,在数量上超过一万件。

7.Ling Yeu Ssu was noted for 40 pfe-pke figures of Lohan, disciples of the Buddha.灵岩寺因寺中40个栩栩如生的罗汉像而闻名。罗汉是佛祖的弟子。

8.Ssu -chin (right) and Ssu -chieh are pvely, adorable twin sisters, and have therefore appeared in several TV ads.思芩(右)、思杰两姐妹活泼可爱,很会作表情,因而拍了许多广告片。

9.Sun Ssu said "closed the night lying always learning, " which is the best way to maintain strength.孙思邈说“夜卧常习闭口”,这是保持元气的最好的方法。

10.In 54 times, Fu Ssu-nian 's poptical ideas appears quite complex, both has the pberapsm , the nationapsm and the cosmopoptanism;在五四时期,傅斯年的政治思想显得颇为复杂,既有自由主义,又有民族主义和世界主义,是多种价值思想的结晶;