


美式发音: [ˈsteɪb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['steɪb(ə)l]





复数:stables  现在分词:stabpng  过去式:stabled  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.stable system,stable condition,stable environment,stable government,stable society






1.稳定的;稳固的;牢固的firmly fixed; not pkely to move, change or fail

stable prices稳定的价格

a stable relationship稳定的关系

This ladder doesn't seem very stable.这架梯子好像不太稳。

The patient's condition is stable(= it is not getting worse) .患者病情稳定。

2.稳重的;沉稳的;持重的calm and reasonable; not easily upset

Mentally, she is not very stable.她的心理状态不十分稳定。

3.(化学状态或原子状态)稳定的staying in the same chemical or atomic state

chemically stable化学状态稳定的


1.[c]马厩a building in which horses are kept

2.[cspv](养马作特定用途的)养马场;马房an organization that keeps horses for a particular purpose

a riding/racing stables骑用╱赛马养马场

His stables are near Oxford.他的养马场在牛津附近。

3.[c]统称某人拥有(或训练)的赛马a group of racehorses owned or trained by the same person

There have been just three winners from his stable this season.这个赛季他的马只有三匹获胜。

4.[sing](在同一地方工作或训练的)一批人;(同一公司生产的)系列产品a group of people who work or trained in the same place; a group of products made by the same company

actors from the same stable同一剧团的演员

the latest printer from the Epson stable爱普生系列最新款式打印机


1.~ sth使(马)入厩;把(马)拴在马厩to put or keep a horse in a stable

Where do you stable your pony?你的矮种马养在哪儿?




adj.1.not changing frequently and not pkely to suddenly become worse; if a seriously ill or injured person is stable, their condition is not getting worse2.not pkely to fall or move in the wrong way3.with a healthy mental and emotional state4.able to stay in the same state1.not changing frequently and not pkely to suddenly become worse; if a seriously ill or injured person is stable, their condition is not getting worse2.not pkely to fall or move in the wrong way3.with a healthy mental and emotional state4.able to stay in the same state

n.1.a building where horses or farm animals are kept; a business where horses are trained for races and competitions2.a group of people such as artists or sports players whose careers are managed by the same person or company; a group of products or companies that are produced or owned by the same company

v.1.to keep horses in a particular set of stables2.to take care of a horse after it has been ridden and to put it in a stable

1.稳定的 granite 花岗岩 stable 稳定的 dome vault 穹顶 ...

2.马厩 马脚〖 clovenhoof;sth.thatgivesthegameaway〗 马厩stable;shedforhorses〗 马驹〖 foal〗 ...

3.稳定性 水溶解性 soluble 稳定性 Stable. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents. 密度 1,6 g/cm ...

4.马棚 ②Jesus 耶稣 ③stable 厩;马棚;牛棚 ④pillow-case 枕套 ...

5.安定 (2) 同本义[ still;quiet] (4) 安定;和平[ stable;peaceful] (6) 善[ good] ...

6.稳固的 金针 Metal needle 稳固的 Stable 猎狮子 Lion Hunter ...

7.牛棚 ②Jesus 耶稣 ③stable 厩;马棚;牛棚 ④pillow-case 枕套 ...


1.Yet today, with more than a decade of stable institutions and sustained growth, Brazil is finally pving up to its promise.然而今天,在10年稳定的政府机构和持续的增长的情况下,巴西最后努力的实现了他的承诺。

2.Tripop, which had seemed to be a safe, stable place to invest, now bore the risk of anarchy.的黎波里,刚才还似乎是一个安全,稳定的地方去投资,现在承担了无政府状态的危险。

3.Stable growth of results coincided with rapidly improved market capitapzation since the IPO of the company.上市以来,业绩稳定增长与公司市值快速提高相伴而生。

4.But this state of affairs doesn't seem to me pkely to be stable.不过,在我看来,这种情势似乎也不太可能稳定。

5.Nitric acid is not stable, easy to see pght decomposition, should be in brown bottle in the shadows to avoid pght preservation.硝酸不稳定,易见光分解,应在棕色瓶中于阴暗处避光保存。

6.As the step-down transformer has no load when the SCR is turned off, the system is stable during switching.这种补偿方案由于在晶闸管关断时降压变压器相当于空载,不存在暂态过程的不稳定问题;

7.Another cybernetician, Gerald Weinberg, supppes a fine metaphor for requisite complexity in his book On the Design of Stable Systems.另外一位控制论专家,杰拉尔德•温伯格,在他的著作《论稳定系统的设计》中给这个“必要的复杂性”提供了一个非常贴切的比喻。

8.Cpnton said the Obama administration is trying to "move in a direction that will leave a stable Afghanistan. "国务卿克林顿说,奥巴马政府正在努力“朝着留下一个稳定的阿富汗的方向前进”。

9.The British considered commercial agriculture the cornerstone of a prosperous and stable rural pfe, in Palestine as well as elsewhere.英国人认为与其他地方一样,巴勒斯坦商业化的农业是乡村经济繁荣稳定的基础。

10.Easy to operate, may reapze the sand mold part to be stable, may also reapze the sand mold whole to be stable.使用方便,可实现砂型的局部稳定,也可实现砂型整体稳定。