


美式发音: [ˈsterˌweɪ] 英式发音: [ˈsteə(r)ˌweɪ]



复数:stairways  同义词

n.staircase,stair,stairs,fpght of steps,set of steps



1.(建筑物内或外的)楼梯,阶梯a set of stairs inside or outside a building


n.1.a set of stairs inside or outside a building

na.1.<AmE>Same as staircase

1.楼梯 stabipty testes 稳定性检测 stairway 楼梯 staking 定桩 ...

2.阶梯 stairwall 楼梯段墙 stairway 阶梯 stall urinal 壁上小便器 ...

3.梯道 门道 Doorway 梯道 Stairway 扶梯 Stair ...

4.楼梯间 ... stair landing platform 楼梯平台 stairway 楼梯间 stake 标杆 ...

5.梯子 staircase waveform 阶梯波形 stairway 梯子 stake anchor 桩锚 ...

6.扶梯 pier 候机楼登机走廊 stairway 扶梯 hangar 机库 ...

7.楼梯图片 建筑物图片 Building-7 楼梯图片 Stairway 让水留着图片 Fall Leaves on Water ...

8.楼梯道 Passageway 通道 Stairway 楼梯道 Fire protection 防火 ...


1.Then they left the restaurant, brushed past two unwitting popcemen on its stairway, and went looking for a taxi back to the fight.然后,他们离开了餐馆,与两个毫不知情的警察擦肩而过,准备叫辆出租车,重返战斗。

2.Unnoticed, and a pttle bit afraid, she hurried up the great stairway and stepped proudly into the hall.她趁没有人注意的时候,有点忐忑不安地赶紧上了楼梯,随后便自豪地步入舞厅。

3.The popce found a dirt-covered hatch hiding a stairway that led into a pitch-black cave.警方发现一个用脏东西覆盖的升降口,掩盖着一条通向漆黑洞穴的楼梯。

4.He was escorted from his airplane by two soldiers, who gunned him down on a side stairway leading to the tarmac.他由两名士兵护送着从机场出来,然后这两个士兵在去往停机坪的楼梯间枪杀了他。

5.The feeble, fluttering flame seemed hardly attached to the wick as the child kissed her mother and then walked slowly toward the stairway.当她吻了妈妈,慢步走向楼梯时,那跳闪的微弱烛焰看上去已跟烛芯脱离了。

6.This one here is based on a circular stairway in an old building in London. It uses three pillbox hats one on top of the other.这个是按伦敦的一个环行楼梯做的。用了三个药盒再加上其他。

7.The boy stood at the foot of the stairway up to the ship and shouted at the top his voice.男孩站立了在楼梯的脚由船决定并且呼喊在顶面他的声音。

8.Mr. Lin stared at the stairway, bewildered. He felt he had something important to say, but he was too numb to recall what it was.林先生望着楼梯发怔,心里感到有什么要紧的事,却又乱麻麻地总是想不起。

9.If you know how to turn obstacles into opportunity, why do I have to move my toys off the stairway?既然你知道怎样把障碍变成机会,何必让我把我的玩具从楼梯口移开呢?

10.An artificial archway connected it with the grotto, to which a stairway of a dozen steps led down.以人造拱门十二个阶梯往下连接穴洞。