



美式发音: [eɪd] 英式发音: ['eɪdɪd]




复数:aids  过去分词:aided  现在分词:aiding  搭配同义词

adj.+n.financial aid,foreign aid,economic aid,legal aid,emergency aid

v.+n.give aid,seek aid,provide aid,need aid,lend aid





na.1.Agency for International Development 〔美国〕国际开发署

n.1.financial or material assistance, e.g. that provided by a government or international organization, especially in times of crisis2.anything done or provided that assists somebody or something3.a person, device, resource, or material that helps or assists with something4.an assistant or aide5.formerly, a monetary payment by a vassal to an Engpsh feudal lord6.a special subsidy formerly granted to the Engpsh king by parpament.7.any device that is used to help a cpmber ascend a cpff or mountain face8.money, food, or other help that an organization or government gives to a country or area where people need it, for example because of a war or flood9.help with doing something10.something that makes it easier to do something1.financial or material assistance, e.g. that provided by a government or international organization, especially in times of crisis2.anything done or provided that assists somebody or something3.a person, device, resource, or material that helps or assists with something4.an assistant or aide5.formerly, a monetary payment by a vassal to an Engpsh feudal lord6.a special subsidy formerly granted to the Engpsh king by parpament.7.any device that is used to help a cpmber ascend a cpff or mountain face8.money, food, or other help that an organization or government gives to a country or area where people need it, for example because of a war or flood9.help with doing something10.something that makes it easier to do something

v.1.to provide somebody or something with help or with what is needed to achieve something2.to make it easier for someone to do something3.to help something to happen more easily or with fewer problems4.to give money, food, or other help to a country or organization that needs it5.help;give support to;further1.to provide somebody or something with help or with what is needed to achieve something2.to make it easier for someone to do something3.to help something to happen more easily or with fewer problems4.to give money, food, or other help to a country or organization that needs it5.help;give support to;further

na.1.acute infectious disease2.artificial insemination by donor

1.辅助的 aidant a. 帮助的; aided a. 辅助的 Project Hope 希望工程; ...

2.帮助 13.aesthetically 审美地;美学地 14.aided 帮助 15.alert 机敏的 ...

3.需要辅助器材 Affected 影响 Aided 援助 Allocated 布署,分配 ...

5.辅助式课程) 名称 内容 添加式课程 (Added-On) 辅助式课程 (Aided) 矫正式课程 (Corrective) 补救式课程 (Remedial) 适性课程 (Preferent…

6.辅助系 防御系 Defend 辅助系 Aided 黑魔法 Black Magic ...

7.半自动的 Prosperity 繁荣 Aided 半自动的 Insightful 有洞察力的 ...


1.May I, the follower of the great Guru Padmasambhava, be aided by you just as well as you aided Him.祈愿我,莲华生大师的追随者,得蒙您们的庇护就如您们庇护他一般。

2.Its simple rules and minimal equipment requirements have no doubt aided its spread and growth in popularity.足球简单易懂的规则以及对于运动设施的低要求无疑加速了其在人群中传播及成长的速度。

3.During the early years of his reign, he was largely aided by his grandmother, the Grand Empress Dowager, Xiaozhuang.在他统治的初期,他在很大程度上是得益于他的祖母,太皇太后孝庄。

4.Have what no okay, I say that you tin take out material to let now with you I do medicine for you be aided me large assistance!有什么不好的,我跟你说你现在能拿出材料让我帮你做药就是帮了我大忙了!

5.Additionally the visual will be aided by the fact that the pilot will be looking out in the direction of the enemy aircraft.另外,这个图像能够辅助飞行员,他可以一直留意敌机的方向。

6.Many employers have aided sacked staff, especially those with children, by extending visas so they do not have to leave quickly.许多雇主已通过延长签证期限给被裁员工(尤其是那些有孩子的)提供了帮助,让他们不必匆忙离去。

7.The action is often aided by the investment banks which are in charge of the merged departments.收购通常由投资银行内负责收购合并的部门来协助进行。

8.Aided by his brother John, a member of Congress from Ohio, he reluctantly left the South for a Union commission.他的兄弟约翰在俄亥俄州作议员,在约翰的帮助下,他无奈离开南方在联邦军队谋了一个军职。

9.Aerobic exercise helps strengthen the muscles involved in respiration. Thus, the flow of air in and out of the lungs is aided.有氧运动,通过提高呼吸所需肌肉的力量,有助于肺脏吸入和呼出空气。

10.methods, aided by a few lucky finds from peat-bogs, deserts, and frozen soils, is able to fill up a good deal of the gap.然而,现代考古学通过运用适当的技术和比较的方法,在从泥炭、沙漠和冻土中所获得的一些幸运发现的辅助下,能够填充这个空缺的很大部分。