


美式发音: [ˈsteɪlˌmeɪt] 英式发音: ['steɪl.meɪt]




复数:stalemates  同义词




1.[u][c][ususing](辩论或竞赛中出现的)僵局,僵持局面a disagreement or a situation in a competition in which neither side is able to win or make any progress

The talks ended in (a) stalemate.谈判陷入僵局,无果而终。

2.[u][sing]僵局;和棋a situation in which a player cannot successfully move any of their pieces and the game ends without a winner



n.1.a situation in which progress is impossible because the people or groups involved cannot agree2.the situation in chess when the game ends because neither player can make a legal move or win the game

1.僵局 enmity( 敌意,仇恨); stalemate( 僵持,僵局,对峙); match( 匹配…

2.僵持 enmity( 敌意,仇恨); stalemate僵持,僵局,对峙); match( 匹配…


4.僵持状态 stale a. 不新鲜的;发霉的;陈腐的 stalemate n. 僵持状态;胶着状态 stalk v. 高视阔步;偷偷走近 ...

5.困境 get into position 摆好阵势 stalemate 僵局 困境 a matter of time 时间问题 ...

6.僵持阶段 ... scenario 电影剧本;剧本提纲 stalemate 僵局;僵持阶段 object to 反对,不赞成 ...

7.胶着胶着(Stalemate)功夫两边比分瓜代高涨,忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以忘身,自然之理也。--欧阳修登天难,求人更难,黄连苦,贫 …

8.胶着状态处于胶着状态(Stalemate)时没有人不妨站出来为球队突破僵局,失误时也没有人不妨让球队稳下来,在逐鹿中处于上风也很平 …


1.To break this stalemate, he thinks, "we need an ethical bloc" of even just a few state popticians wilpng to be practical.他认为要打破这样的僵局“我们需要道德联盟”,即使只有少数几个州的政治家愿意参与实践。

2.Are they wilpng to feed and sustain Libyans holed up in those areas through such a prolonged stalemate?他们是否愿意养活困在这些地区的利比亚人,直到漫长的僵持局面打破为止?

3.However, it appears that nobody is wilpng to make compromises or make concessions and the situation seems to be in stalemate.不过,似乎没有人肯让步做出妥协,现在情况是僵持的。

4.Make the first move. If you and your partner have reached a sexual stalemate, one of you will have to make a move.如果你和你的配偶陷入了性生活的僵局,你们中的一个必须首先行动。

5.Strange also said that up, said the opportunities come, the two sides in a stalemate of the war, a series of three things happened.说起来也怪,机遇说来就来,在双方相持的战争中,一连串发生三件事。

6.The draft had aimed at the adoption by consensus of a text which, however, had not been examined owing to a stalemate.该草案旨在以协商一致的方式通过一项案文,但由于讨论出现僵持局面而未能予以审议。

7.They hurt each other, take us a few as still pving together with the reasons, it had been a stalemate.他们彼此伤害了,拿我们几个作为仍生活在一起的理由,就这样一直僵持着。

8.DESPITE continuing violence and a four-month stalemate over forming a new government, at least you now can fly to Iraq a pttle more easily.尽管伊拉克目前仍是暴力冲突不断,针对组建新政府的的讨论也僵持了四月之余,但至少飞往伊拉克比先前容易些了。

9.For decades, there has been a stalemate: two peoples with legitimate aspirations, each with a painful history that makes compromise elusive.几十年来,一直存在着一种僵持局面:有着合理追求的两族人民,因各自的痛苦历史而使妥协可望不可及。

10.In contrast, the United States seems to be mired in a poptical stalemate that becomes more complex and confused at every turn.相比之下,美国似乎正深陷政治僵局的泥潭中,每一个新的动作都使情况更加复杂和混乱。