


网络释义:斯塔姆;史丹;先进材料科学与技术(Science and Technology of Advanced Materials)



4.史谭艾巴里度施萨(APARECIDO CESAR):拉素[罗马]OUT...卡斯辛奴(CASSANO):皇 …

5.敌稗 表面张力滴计^ stalogometer 敌稗^ Stam 莲须^ stamen nelumbinis ...

6.坦姆弗格森在对莱斯特城的比赛后透露,斯坦姆Stam)由于在比赛中大腿肌肉拉伤,恐怕在两个星期内都不能上场比赛,因此曼 …


1.MILAN - Jaap Stam did not play today against Palermo at the San Siro due to a problem with his right hip flexor.米兰-由于右臀屈肌有伤,雅普。斯塔姆今天没有参加在圣西罗与巴勒莫的比赛。

2.She is known for her doll -pke features, and is often compared with Heather Marks , Gemma Ward , Lily Cole , Jessica Stam , and Devon Aoki.她知道她洋娃娃般的特征,而且往往是比较希瑟商标,芽孢病房百合科尔,杰西卡斯塔姆和戴文青木。

3.Jaap Stam was one of the best in the win over Samp and the defender said: 'It was tough, Sampdoria defended well and hit on the break.斯坦姆是在赢得桑普多利亚的比赛中表现最好的球员之一。这名后卫说:‘这是场硬仗,桑普多利亚的防守非常的好,进攻犀利。

4.If it were up to me, I'd happily bring back all the players who did well at Milan, pke Sheva, Manuel Rui Costa, Jaap Stam and even Rivaldo.就我个人而言,我希望任何一个在米兰表现很好的队员,我们都能够买回来,比如舍瓦,科斯塔,斯塔姆,里瓦尔多。

5.Stam then hit a stunning shot just over the bar and Inzaghi forced Rost into a full-length, with a crisp volley.斯塔姆接着也是怒射高出,因扎吉也漂亮的完成了一次射门,迫使罗斯特施展回身解数才力保球门不失。

6.' Asked whether he has somehow regretted Jaap Stam's move, Ferguson cut short: ' I prefer to say nothing about this.问到他对雅普-斯塔姆的转会是否感到有些遗憾时,弗格森简短回答说:“对于这个问题我更愿意什么也不说。”

7.It does appear, however, that Stam will have played his last match for the club, with a switch to Ajax already confirmed for this summer.然而,看起来在今夏已确定转投阿贾克斯的斯塔姆已经为米兰俱乐部踢了他的最后一场比赛。

8.Stam cannot be questioned, we has almost reached his best form and will soon confirm all his worth.斯塔姆不该被质疑,他很快就会恢复到最佳状态去证明他的价值。

9.Yet at the same time both fell deeper into the dark side of the Force, each wanting revenge for Stam's death.艾丘岛想帮斯塔姆报复,但同时亦陷入原力的黑暗势力。

10.Milan defender Jaap Stam is pkely to have played his last match for the club after suffering injury.米兰后卫斯塔姆由于受伤,看起来已经踢了他为俱乐部的最后一场比赛。