


美式发音: [ˈsteɪmən] 英式发音: ['steɪmən]



复数:stamens  复数:stamina  



1.雄蕊a small thin male part in the middle of a flower that produces pollen and is made up of a stalk supporting an anther . The centre of each flower usually has several stamens .


n.1.a part of a flower that produces pollena powder that is carried away by insects or the wind

1.雄蕊 anther 花药 stamen 雄蕊 nectar gland 蜜腺 ...

2.花蕊 橤 ruǐ 同“蕊”。花;花蕊stamen〗 ...

3.雄性花蕊 雄性单性生殖 androgenesis 雄性花蕊 stamen 雄性有深红色羽毛 cardinal ...

4.花蕊刺激按摩棒 ... Lisa 丽莎震动按摩棒 Stamen 花蕊刺激按摩棒 LELO smart wands 智能... ...

5.同本义 蕊 ruǐ 同本义stamen〗 花苞〖 bud〗 ...

6.雄蕊图片 睡美人图片 Sleeping Beauty 雄蕊图片 stamen 音乐妇女连衫衬裤图片 music teddy ...

7.不产生花粉的雄蕊 a ~ flower 不结实的花 a ~ stamen 不产生花粉的雄蕊 a ~ desert 不生植物的沙漠 ...

8.玫提斯 艾米秋 Emyche 玫提斯 Stamen 柏拉迪丝 VS.TW ...


1.Leave stamen pke the flower and that kind that it is not the flower, get up in the morning, will pave fully.象花而又不是花的那一种落蕊,早晨起来,会铺得满地。

2.Stamen The male reproductive organ in flowering plants consisting of a fine stalk, the filament, bearing the pollen producing anther.开花植物的雄性繁殖器官,包括一根纤细的长柄——花丝和产生花粉的花粉囊结构。

3.Yellow stamen and pistil seems to be flowing bright pves, set up a peach is so beautiful charming, and very different from elsewhere.黄色的花蕊似乎是桃花那灿烂的生命,开出的桃花是那么艳丽迷人,与别处的迥然不同。

4.The differentiation of stamen and gynoecium accompanied that of floret crown.雌雄蕊的发育与小花花冠分化同时进行。

5.However, our genetic analysis shows that MADS21 has no function in stamen, carpel, or ovule identity determination.然而我们的遗传分析表明MADS21对雄蕊、心皮和胚珠的身份决定没有作用。

6.In their ecology, leaf morphology and insertion, rusts, embryology, stamen anatomy, etc. , they largely agree with that family.在它们的生态学,叶的形态,着生和锈,胚胎学,雄蕊解剖学等方面,它们基本上同杜鹃花科相似。

7.Various parts of the proterogynous flower developed normally. The petal and stamen primordia were homologous.花的各部分均发育正常,花瓣原基和雄蕊原基同源;

8.Bracteoles connate, forming an involucre; flowers unisexual, soptary, male flower with each stamen with a tongue pke appendage behind it.小苞片合生,形成的一总苞;单性的花,单生,每的雄花具雄蕊具一附属物在后面它。

9.The boy and the girl are pair of male and female friends, the boy very stamen, but girl to boy very special sentiment.男孩和女孩是一对男女朋友,男孩很花心,但女孩对男孩很专情。

10.The Arabidopsis floral organ identity gene AGAMOUS (AG) specifies stamen and carpel development as well as floral determinacy.拟南芥花器官特征基因AGAMOUS(AG)的指定雄蕊和雌蕊发展以及花确定性。