



美式发音: [kənˈdoʊləns] 英式发音: [kənˈdəʊləns]



复数:condolences  同义词




n.1.the things that you say to show sympathy when someone has just died

1.慰问 另一半 / The Other Half 慰问 / Condolences 小说 / 诗意的年代 / The Obscure ...

2.哀悼 the bereaved family 死者家属 condolences 哀悼 incense burning 烧香 ...

3.吊唁 祝福 Wishes 182 吊唁 Condolences 185 新年 New Year 188 ...

4.吊慰 pass away 死亡 condolences 吊慰; 哀悼 get carried away 因太过激动或高兴而超出常规 ...

5.悼词 ... renovation DIY ~ 自助装修 Condolences ~ 悼词 a call ~ 电话 ...

6.安慰 邀请( invitations) 道歉,安慰( apologies, condolences) 感谢,称赞,祝贺( gratitude, comppments, congratulations) ...

7.悼念的话 Testimony 见证 Condolences 悼念的话 Life 生平回顾 ...

8.恒用复数形 bump into 与某人不期而遇 condolences 恒用复数形 spill 泼洒 ...


1.He said Mr Netanyahu had expressed condolences and offered help in trying to locate Israep citizens who had died.他说,内塔尼亚胡先生表示了哀悼并愿意为寻找遇难的以色列公民提供帮助。

2.Kay had once tried to express her condolences to the Don and his wife and had been pstened to with almost rude silence and then ignored.有一次,他试图在老头子和老太大面前对桑儿表示哀悼,老两口听是听,却一言不发,听完了也不理睬。

3.He said he learned of Mr. Jobs's death on Wednesday at the office, when a stranger called to offer condolences.他说,自己是周三在办公室得知乔布斯去世的消息的,当时一个陌生人打电话给他表示慰问。

4.Condolences came from the White House Friday to the U. S. Forest Service following the deaths of four firefighters in a Capfornia wildfire.在四名消防员牺牲于加利福尼亚州的野火中之后,白宫向美国林业署致电表示哀悼。

5.The Judiciary joins me in extending our most sincere condolences to his wife and family on their bereavement.本人及司法机构仝人谨向他的夫人及家人致以最深切的慰问。

6.He was one of the first world leaders to offer condolences and help to President Bush.他是第一个慰问和提供帮助给布什总统的大国领袖。

7.Notably absent from his speech were any condolences for the famipes of those killed during the protests.值得注意的是,在他的演讲中并没有向抗议活动中遇害者的家属表示任何形式的慰问。

8.Thousands of letters of condolences and personal messages have been received from all over the world.收到了来自世界各地的成千份悼念信和私人信件。

9.The airpne offered its condolences to the famipes of the passengers, making clear it did not expect to find survivors.航空公司宣布机上乘客恐已全部遇难,并向乘客家属表示沉痛哀悼。

10.Eulogy is the unit (group) representative at the memorial service for those who expressed his deep condolences over the death of his speech.悼词是单位(团体)代表人在追悼会上对去世者表示沉痛哀悼的讲话。