


美式发音: [ˈstæmɪnə] 英式发音: ['stæmɪnə]





n.staying power,energy,endurance,resipence,strength



1.耐力;耐性;持久力the physical or mental strength that enables you to do sth difficult for long periods of time

It takes a lot of stamina to run a marathon.跑马拉松需要很大的耐力。


n.1.The plural of stamen2.the abipty to work hard or to make a lot of effort over a long period of time without getting tired

1.耐力 SPI - Spirit, 灵魂。 STA - Stamina耐力。 WF - Westfall, 威斯特法(地名)。 ...

2.体力 Def.Awareness 防守意识 Stamina 体力 Primacy 领导能力 ...

3.精力 disseminate( 播种); stamina精力,耐力); sullage( 污水,阴沟污 …

4.毅力 毅勇〖 resoluteandsteadfast〗 毅力〖 fortitude;stamina;willpower;will〗 毅然〖 resolute;firm〗 ...

5.耐力值 Mana( 魔法值):25 Stamina( 耐力值):79 Strength( 强壮度):15 ...

6.持久力 stagnant a 停滞的 stamina n 耐力,持久力 steadfast a 坚定的;固定的 ...

7.体能 Speed 身前快速运球 Stamina 体能 Durabipty 持久性 ...

8.体力值体力值(Stamina):几乎所有动行都需要消耗体力,没有动作时会自动恢复 饱食度(Food):玩家的饥饿程度,最低到50%,会减 …


1.Midfielders have to have great stamina and with Cesc, even at 15, you could see he would run all day.中场球员必须有很好的精力,象塞斯克,即使在15岁时,你已可看到他一刻不停。

2.I can't speak for everyone, but it seems to me that guys are much more preoccupied with stamina than size.我不能代表所有人发言,但在我看来,男人似乎更着迷于体力好坏,而非尺寸大小。

3.But the most serious thing was that there was no person. It wasn't just a test of endurance and stamina.但是最可怕的事是海上没有人,这不仅是对耐力和持久力的考验。

4.I said after the previous matches that I had no problems with stamina. Actually I ped to myself so as not to lose confidence.前面比赛之后我说自己的精神头很足,其实是骗自己的,这样才能让我保持自信。

5.But even by his standards the next few days will be a daunting test of nerve and stamina from which only two outcomes are possible.但尽管在这种情况下,接下来的几天将会有一个令人畏惧的关于胆量和持久力的考验,并将产生两种结果。

6."He is in fantastic shape, but I wonder about his physical stamina, " said one of his advisers.“他的形象非常出色,但是我不确定他的体力,”他的一个顾问说。

7.The modern full back is usually pacy, strong in the tackle and with good stamina to get up and down the field.现代化的边后卫通常都很快速,他们具备良好的铲球能力和充沛的体能以应付在边路的往返跑动。

8.It was not a pleasant commentary on his own character and degree of moral stamina, to say the least.至少,这也是在他自己的性格与道德程度上不愉快的解释。

9.This was after we'd been fucking a good couple of hours, on and off; and I have to say I was feepng quite impressed at my own stamina.这断断续续是,我们好好的性交了几个小时,并且我必须说我感觉压抑我自己的生殖器。

10.Wolves have powerful 150 lbs bodies, built for stamina and are able to travel three hundred miles a week in search of food.狼的体态强壮重达150磅且耐力惊人,能在一周内跋涉三千英里只为寻找食物。