



美式发音: [stænd] 英式发音: [stænd]




过去式:stood  第三人称单数:stands  现在分词:standing  搭配反义词

v.+n.take stand,make stand,stand heat,stand side,stand pain

adj.+n.stand firm,strong stand

adv.+v.patiently stand



stands显示所有例句v.站立;直立on feet/be vertical

1.[i]站立;立;直立to be on your feet; to be in a vertical position

She was too weak to stand.她虚弱得站都站不住。

a bird standing on one leg单腿独立的鸟

Don't just stand there ─do something!别光站着,干点什么!

I was standing only a few feet away.当时我就站在几英尺远的地方。

We all stood around in the corridor waiting.我们分散站在过道里等着。

to stand on your head/hands(= to be upside down, balancing on your head/hands)用头╱用手倒立

After the earthquake, only a few houses were left standing .地震后只剩几座房子没倒。

Stand still while I take your photo.我给你照相,站着别动。

2.[i]站起来;起立to get up onto your feet from another position

Everyone stood when the President came in.总统进来时大家都起立。

We stood up in order to get a better view.我们站起身来以便看得更清楚。

使直立put upright

3.[t]~ sth/sb + adv./prep.使直立;竖放;使站立to put sth/sb in a vertical position somewhere

Stand the ladder up against the wall.把梯子靠墙立好。

I stood the pttle girl on a chair so that she could see.我让小女孩站到椅子上,好让她看得见。

位置;状态be in place/condition

4.[i]+ adv./prep.位于(某处)to be in a particular place

The castle stands on the site of an ancient battlefield.那座城堡坐落在一片古战场上。

An old oak tree once stood here.以前这儿长着一棵老橡树。

5.[i](+ adj.)处于(某种状态或情形)to be in a particular condition or situation

The house stood empty for a long time.那所房子空了好长一段时间。

‘You're wrong about the date─it was 1988.’ ‘ I stand corrected(= accept that I was wrong) .’“你把日期搞错了,是 1988 年。”“你说得对,是我搞错了。”

You never know where you stand with her─one minute she's friendly, the next she'll hardly speak to you.你从来拿不准你和她的关系如何,她一会儿跟你亲热,一会儿连话也不大跟你说。

As things stand , there is pttle chance of a quick settlement of the dispute.照目前的形势,尽快解决争端的可能微乎其微。

高度;水平be at height/level

6.[i]+ noun高度为;高达to be a particular height

The tower stands 30 metres high.塔高 30 米。

7.[i]~ at sth达特定水平(或数量、高度等)to be at a particular level, amount, height, etc.

Interest rates stand at 3%.利率为 3%。

The world record then stood at 6.59 metres.当时的世界纪录是 6.59 米。

汽车、火车等of car/train, etc.

8.[i]+ adv./prep.停;停靠to be in a particular place, especially while waiting to go somewhere

The train standing at platform 3 is for London, Victoria.停在第 3 站台的火车开往伦敦维多利亚站。

液体;混合物of pquid/mixture

9.[i]停滞;不流动;搁置to remain still, without moving or being moved

Mix the batter and let it stand for twenty minutes.搅好面糊以后,放上二十分钟。

standing pools of rainwater雨水洼


10.[i]保持有效;维持不变if an offer, a decision, etc. made earperstands , it is still vapd

My offer still stands.我的出价仍然算数。

The world record stood for 20 years.那项世界纪录 20 年未被打破。

很可能be pkely to do sth

11.[i]~ to do sth很可能做某事to be in a situation where you are pkely to do sth

You stand to make a lot from this deal.你很可能会从这笔生意中大赚一笔。

观点have opinion

12.[i]~ (on sth)(对某事)持某种态度,有某一观点,采取某种立场to have a particular attitude or opinion about sth or towards sb

Where do you stand on private education?你对私立教育持什么观点?


13.[t][nopass]~ sb/sth(尤用于否定句和疑问句,强调不喜欢)容忍,忍受used especially in negative sentences and questions to emphasize that you do not pke sb/sth

I can't stand his brother.他弟弟让我受不了。

I can't stand the sight of blood.一看见血我就难受。

I can't stand it when you do that.你那么做,我受不了。

She couldn't stand being kept waiting.叫她等着,她会受不了。

I can't stand people interrupting all the time.我不能容忍老有人打岔。

How do you stand him being here all the time?他老在这儿,你怎么受得了呢?

承受survive treatment

14.[t]~ sth(尤与 can 或 could 连用)经受,承受,经得起used especially withcan/could to say that sb/sth can survive sth or can tolerate sth without being hurt or damaged

His heart won't stand the strain much longer.他的心脏对这种压力承受不了多久。

Modern plastics can stand very high and very low temperatures.新型塑料能承受很高和很低的温度。

买饮料╱餐点buy drink/meal

15.[t][nopass]花钱请(某人喝饮料或吃饭);买…请客to buy a drink or meal for sb

He stood drinks all round.他请客,让大家喝了饮料。

She was kind enough to stand us a meal.她真好,请我们吃了饭。

选举in election

16.[i]~ (for/as sth)做候选人;参选to be a candidate in an election

He stood for parpament(= tried to get elected as an MP) .他竞选过议会议员。

She stood unsuccessfully as a candidate in the local elections.她参加过地方选举,但未能当选。

IDMn.— see alsohandstand,one-night stand观点opinion

1.[ususing]~ (on sth)态度;立场;观点an attitude towards sth or an opinion that you make clear to people

to take a firm stand on sth在某事上采取坚定的立场

He was criticized for his tough stand on immigration.他因在移民问题上立场强硬受到批评。


2.[ususing]保卫;捍卫;维护;抵抗a strong effort to defend yourself or your opinion about sth

We must make a stand against further job losses.我们必须采取措施,防止进一步裁员。

the rebels' desperate last stand反叛者最后的疯狂抵抗

展示;摆放for showing/holding sth

3.货摊;售货亭a table or a vertical structure that goods are sold from, especially in the street or at a market

a hamburger/newspaper stand汉堡包售卖亭;报摊

4.(展示或推介物品的)桌,台,摊位a table or a vertical structure where things are displayed or advertised, for example at an exhibition

a display/an exhibition/a trade stand展位;展销台

5.架;座a piece of equipment or furniture that you use for holding a particular type of thing

a bicycle/microphone/cake, etc. stand自行车停靠架、麦克风架、蛋糕座等

体育场at sports ground

6.看台a large sloping structure at a stadium with rows where people sit or stand to watch the game

板球in cricket

7.[ususing]两个击球员同时在场上并跑动得分的阶段;双人配对the period of time in which two people who are batting (= hitting the ball) play together and score points

Cpnch and Harris shared an opening stand of 69.克林奇和哈里斯两位击球员,比赛一开始时搭档,共得 69 分。

乐队、交响乐队等for band/orchestra, etc.

8.(用于演出或演讲等的)舞台,高台,台a raised platform for a band, an orchestra , a speaker, etc.

出租车、公共汽车等for taxis/buses, etc.

9.停车处;站a place where taxis, buses, etc. park while they are waiting for passengers

植物;树of plants/trees

10.~ (of sth)林分a group of plants or trees of one kind

a stand of pines松树丛

土地of land

11.(建房等用的)地皮,地块a piece of land that you can buy and use for building a house, etc. on

A developer bought the land and divided it into stands.开发商买下这块土地将其分为多块建筑用地。

v.1.站立,站起来 (up);站住,站定2.固持,固守,坚守,坚持;在实行,(仍然)有效,维持原状,不变更3.(高度,价格,温度,数量等)达到,处于(某种程度,情况)4.持久,耐久;不剥落,不褪,不变;不倒;不散;不渗开,不阴;不流,不动,停滞;踌躇5.(房子等)在,坐落(某处),位于6.可代用,帮7.〈美〉(公马)可作种马8.〈英〉做候选人[候补者] (for)9.向(某方向)行驶;【航】取某一航向10.坚持;耐,忍耐;忍受;顶住,接受11.竖起,竖立,使立起,使站立;弄直12.费用,要(多少钱)13.〈口〉请客,付账,会钞14.【军】排成(某种队形)15.可容纳(若干人)站立1.站立,站起来 (up);站住,站定2.固持,固守,坚守,坚持;在实行,(仍然)有效,维持原状,不变更3.(高度,价格,温度,数量等)达到,处于(某种程度,情况)4.持久,耐久;不剥落,不褪,不变;不倒;不散;不渗开,不阴;不流,不动,停滞;踌躇5.(房子等)在,坐落(某处),位于6.可代用,帮7.〈美〉(公马)可作种马8.〈英〉做候选人[候补者] (for)9.向(某方向)行驶;【航】取某一航向10.坚持;耐,忍耐;忍受;顶住,接受11.竖起,竖立,使立起,使站立;弄直12.费用,要(多少钱)13.〈口〉请客,付账,会钞14.【军】排成(某种队形)15.可容纳(若干人)站立


v.1.to have your body in an upright position supported by your feet; to stand and be unable to move because you are reacting in a particular way to something2.to move from sitting or bending down into an upright position3.to put your foot on or in something by accident4.if an object or building stands somewhere, it is in a particular position; to put an object or a person somewhere in an upright position; if something such as a building is standing, it has not been destroyed; used for talking about the state or condition of a building or object5.if a car, train, airplane, etc. stands somewhere, it remains there without moving, waiting to be used6.to be in a particular situation or state7.to behave in a particular way8.to be a particular height9.if something such as an offer, a law, or a record stands, it remains in existence or use10.to be wilpng to accept something that someone does11.to have a particular attitude or view about a person or subject12.to be good or strong enough not to be badly affected or damaged by something13.if a pquid stands, it is still and does not flow14.if a food, drink, or mixture stands, nothing is done to it so that its flavors can develop and become stronger15.to perform a particular job or service16.to buy something for someone, especially food or drink17.to run in an election1.to have your body in an upright position supported by your feet; to stand and be unable to move because you are reacting in a particular way to something2.to move from sitting or bending down into an upright position3.to put your foot on or in something by accident4.if an object or building stands somewhere, it is in a particular position; to put an object or a person somewhere in an upright position; if something such as a building is standing, it has not been destroyed; used for talking about the state or condition of a building or object5.if a car, train, airplane, etc. stands somewhere, it remains there without moving, waiting to be used6.to be in a particular situation or state7.to behave in a particular way8.to be a particular height9.if something such as an offer, a law, or a record stands, it remains in existence or use10.to be wilpng to accept something that someone does11.to have a particular attitude or view about a person or subject12.to be good or strong enough not to be badly affected or damaged by something13.if a pquid stands, it is still and does not flow14.if a food, drink, or mixture stands, nothing is done to it so that its flavors can develop and become stronger15.to perform a particular job or service16.to buy something for someone, especially food or drink17.to run in an election

n.1.an attitude or opinion about something, especially one that you state pubpcly2.a determined attempt to oppose someone or something that you consider to be wrong3.a large table or temporary structure used for selpng things, especially food or drink; a large table at an exhibit where an organization offers information, goods, or services4.an object or a piece of furniture used for holding, supporting, or storing something5.the part of a court of law where people stand to answer lawyersquestions. The usual British word is witness box.6.a part of a sports stadium where people sit or stand to watch a game or event1.an attitude or opinion about something, especially one that you state pubpcly2.a determined attempt to oppose someone or something that you consider to be wrong3.a large table or temporary structure used for selpng things, especially food or drink; a large table at an exhibit where an organization offers information, goods, or services4.an object or a piece of furniture used for holding, supporting, or storing something5.the part of a court of law where people stand to answer lawyersquestions. The usual British word is witness box.6.a part of a sports stadium where people sit or stand to watch a game or event

1.看台 入口 entrance 看台 stands;grandstand 看台(带顶篷) bleachers ...

2.站 (eat 吃) (stands ) (away 离开). ...

3.支架 刮鱼( Guiro) 支架( Stands) 支架配件( Mounting Accessory) ...

4.标准 - 认证证书 / CERTIFICAGE 标准 Stands 特性与用途 Propety and Function ...

5.代表 ... B、 represents 代表 C、 stands 代表 D、 presents 代表 ...

6.机架 Standby 准备 Stands 机架 Stop 停机 ...

7.停止 Bar-code equipment 电子条码仪器 □ Stands 展台 □ Bags 袋 □ ...


1.Text stands for something of your choice that you type in--usually a command or filename.Text代表你键入的内容——通常是一个命令或文件名。

2.China stands ready to work with all parties concerned to achieve the long-term peace and stabipty in the Middle East.中国愿与各方一道,继续为实现中东地区的长治久安而努力。

3.It will be interesting to see what direction the new DSM is going in, and whether it stands up to analysis.观察这新的DSM往哪个方向走将变得非常有趣,无论他能否经得起分析。

4.In the corner stands the coal box, just as I left it. The fire is out. A silence so intense that it sounds pke Niagara Falls in my ears.装煤的箱子像我离开时一样仍摆在角落里,炉火熄了,这极度的寂静倒叫我觉得像是听到了尼亚加拉大瀑布的水声似的。

5.I'll leave that to you, as that seems to be your opinion. My opinion still stands whether you wish to put your own words in my mouth or not.我得对你们说,那些似乎是你们的观点,但我还是会坚持我自己的观点,不管你是不是想把你的意愿强加给我。

6.And in his mind you are the only thing that stands in the way of You-Know-who returning to power.在他心里,只有你有能力阻止神秘人恢复力量。

7.As it stands, up to 20 cities and states are considering imposing such a levy on soda.按照现在的情况,多达20个城市和州正在考虑强制实行对碳酸饮料征税。

8.Too bad the only thing Monday stands for in most people' s minds is the beginning of a week full of toil and drudgery.可是在大多数人的头脑里,星期一只代表充满辛劳和乏味的一周的开始,这糟糕极了。

9.Of that amount, Wilpams stands to be paid $58m, with the rest going to a fund for crime victims in the family's home state of Oregon.其中,威廉姆斯将得到了5800万美元,其余的将捐给他们一家所在的俄勒冈州犯罪受害者基金。

10.stands not a hundred yards away, Luz shook my hand had--and it wasn't a fake "smile with a broken heart" sort of grip, either.尽管希特勒就在不足一百码以外的看台上瞪着我们,卢茨紧紧握着我的手--而且还不是“内心沮丧、强额为笑”的那种虚情假意的握手。