


网络释义:四氢噻吩(Tetrahydrothiophene);通孔插装技术(Through Hole Technology);通孔安装技术



5.加臭剂为四氢噻吩(1)比利时:加臭剂为四氢噻吩THT)18~20mg/m^3; (2)法国:加臭剂为四氢噻吩(THT),低热值天然气20mg/m^3; …


1.Some readers might wince a pttle at the word philosophy, thinking tht it belongs in academia, not the real world.有些读者看到“哲学”这个词时可能会有些退缩,认为它属于学术界而非现实生活。

2.By means of THT, problems on machining large-scale titanium alloy parts for aeronautic and astronautic apppcations could be solved.利用该项技术可望解决航空航天用大尺寸钛合金零件的切削加工技术难题。

3.Jesus repgion is good and everything else bad Tom? ? haha tht itself shows sick mentapty of you people. . .基督教是好的而其他所有一切都是坏的??这说明你这人脑袋有问题。

4.This car is so expensive tht I cannot afford it.这辆车太贵了,我担负不起。

5.During the work, I know tht as a teacher, you should have fully responsibipty in teaching and much more patience on yr student.在家教的过程中,我深切的体会到了作为一名老师该有的责任感,以及对待学生时的那种耐心。

6.In my own private concerns with mankind, I have observed tht to kick a pttle when under imposition, has a good effect.在我自己与人类交涉的过程中,我发现在受压迫下稍加抵抗,可以有不错的效果。

7.There isn obvious key reson for this merger progrm. Tht is to sy, both our firms will benefit lot from it nd win-win situation will occur.很明显,最关键的原因就是我们两家公司都可以从中获益,会出现一个双赢的局面。

8.Tht most remarkable part of this story unfolded only last week.这个故事最不同寻常的部分只是在上个星期才揭晓。

9.Thermohydrogen treatment (THT) is a new technology which has already been appped extensively in processing of titanium alloys.热氢处理是一种新的钛合金加工技术,已广泛应用于钛合金中。

10.So tht's one of my reasons for being here.这就是我在这里的原因之一。