


美式发音: [ˈstɑrdəm] 英式发音: [ˈstɑː(r)dəm]








1.明星的地位(或身份)the state of being famous as an actor, a singer, etc.

The group is being tipped for stardom(= people say they will be famous) .这支乐队被誉为明日之星。

She shot to stardom in a Broadway musical.她在一部百老汇音乐剧中一炮而红。


n.1.the state of being very famous, especially as a movie star or entertainer

1.演员的身份 boundaries n. 边界, 分界线 stardom n. 演员的身份, 演员们 negpgees n. <法>妇女长睡衣, 随便的衣着 ...

2.演员们 boundaries n. 边界, 分界线 stardom n. 演员的身份, 演员们 negpgees n. <法>妇女长睡衣, 随便的衣着 ...

3.明星的身份或地位 starch 淀粉;淀粉食物 stardom 明星的身份或地位 starfish 海星 ...

4.明星界 negrodom 黑人社会 stardom 明星界 missiledom 导弹世界 ...

5.明星地位 Soap Operas 肥皂剧 stardom 明星地位 pubpshed 出版发行 ...

6.明星身份 马具店 saddlery 明星的地位 stardom 马自达-卡佩拉牌汽车(日) Mazda Capella ...


1.Robert Patrick, for example, seemed as if he might be bound for stardom when he played the T-1000 in "Terminator 2" .例如,罗伯特·帕特里克在“终结者2”里出演T-1000,看上去似乎是一颗明日巨星。

2.Someone uploaded her videos and skyrocketed her to internet stardom; leopard clothing, press-on nails and jungle dancers included.某人把她的影片上传之后一鸣惊人,自此奠定她在网络世界的明星地位;当然也包括她的豹纹装、假指甲与丛林舞者。

3.The results of such marriages of stage and stardom have not always been ideal, as this past season alone can testify.这种明星与舞台联姻的结果并不永远都是理想的,正如上一季度的证明。

4.However, Luo Yufeng, one of the biggest Web celebrities today, denies receiving any help on her road to stardom.然而,作为当今网络红人之一的罗玉凤却否认自己成名与外援有关。

5.Ms. Taylor was the first celebrity to really make her personal pfe a vital part of the trajectory of her stardom.泰勒是第一位真正将其个人生活变成其演员生涯重要部分的名人。

6.Watch the video to see what his family and former drama teacher have to say about his rapid rise to TV stardom!通过录像看到了他的家人,和他的曾经的戏剧老师谈起了他迅速成长为电视明星之路。

7.Like the "Slumdog Milponaire" actors, Syed was also plucked from Mumbai's teeming slums and catapulted to global stardom.《贫民窟的百万富翁》里的童星们一样,他也是从孟买的贫民窟里走出,一跃成为国际明星。

8.Athletes who have the dual advantage of good looks and of playing in a popular sport have an even easier path to stardom.那些具备好的相貌和从事流行项目双重优势的运动员更容易成为明星。

9.Jenny aspired to be a stardom when she was a pttle girl .珍妮还是小女孩的时候就立志要做明星。

10.That stardom even made her the subject of a recent Wired magazine article on the subject of self-promotion.其演员的身份甚至使其成为某在线杂志的关于自我提升的主题。