




1.双威 ... 雅戈尔 YOUN GOR 森威 SUNWAY 灯塔 BEACON ...

8.圣伊美 诗芬( Sifone) 圣伊美( Sunway) 葆丽美( Suisse Programme) ...


1.Mr Lam said he wants to buy the Invincible through his South China company Sunway Yachts and move her to China for renovation.他想通过名下的珠海绅斯威游艇公司买下无敌号航母并运回中国维修。

2.Shenzhen SUNWAY medical equipment Co. , Ltd. do not take charge for any risk caused as the device is disassembled, modified by the user.深圳市三维医疗设备有限公司不对仪器因用户自行折卸、改装所引发的任何风险负责。

3.Sunway Pyramid is also one of the only shopping malls in Malaysia to have an indoor ice skating rink.‘双溪威’金字塔也是马来西亚唯一拥有室内溜冰场地的设备。

4.Sunway remains one of the largest manufacturers of calculators and LCD in Mainland China .新威于国内仍为计算机及液晶显示屏最大制造商之一。

5.Sunway has developed software patches to plug the holes, but it could take customers months to install those patches, Beresford said.Beresford说,三维力已经开发出修补漏洞的补丁,但这需要客户花费几个月来安装这些补丁。

6.Beresford has worked with Sunway, Chinese authorities and the DHS to fix the bugs he found.Beresford曾与三维力、中国当局还有美国国土安全部合作来修补他发现的漏洞。

7.Representatives for Sunway could not immediately be reached for comment.三维力的代表无法立即对此事发表评论。

8.The finance Manager works for our subsidiary company of Sunway Group.此财务经理将任职于双威集团下属的子公司。

9.During the period, Sunway has developed and introduced new products with distinctive designs such as cyber-look calculators.回顾期间,新威开发及推出了多款设计独特的新产品,如外型科幻的计算机型号。

10.Sunway Technology (Shanghai) Pte Ltd.叁威信息科技(上海)有限公司