



美式发音: [ster] 英式发音: [steə(r)]



第三人称单数:stares  现在分词:staring  过去式:stared  同义词反义词





v.1.盯着看,目不转睛地看 (at),凝视;瞪眼看得...;瞪眼看,张大眼睛看2.(颜色)太显眼 (out)3.(毛)倒竖


v.1.to look at someone or something very directly for a long time; if a persons eyes are staring, they are wide open and looking directly at you

n.1.a long fixed look

1.凝视 3跳下来 Jumps down 4凝视 Stares 5充满 Fills ...


1.When he stares at Jupa Roberts, once he kissed her, everything seems to keep still as he kisses silently.当他望著茱莉吻她的时候,一切好像因为他那悄无声息的吻而静止了。

2.Josephine: You know, some very smart people can seem spacey to the rest of us. Maybe he's just thinking when he stares off into space.你知道,一些很聪明的孩子,我们看起来很疯颠。可能当他看空白地方时,他正在思考。

3.If after the man makes eye contact she instantly looks over his head or stares straight back at him it is almost certainly curtains.如果在男人和她目光接触后,她立刻把视线移到他头顶,或直直地盯着他,这基本上就可以确定没戏了。

4.Intimidated, the group of people began to leave, casting puzzled stares in his direction.大家被他的大吼声吓住了,纷纷离开。大家茫然地按他所指的方向移动。

5.DOGGETT stares at her for a moment, then puts his coat back on and walks out of the office.道格特看了他一会儿,之后穿上大衣走出办公室。瑞斯,沮丧的,看着他离开。他重重地叹了一口气。

6.If a doctor stares at blood all day (dark red) and closes his eyes, he'll see the "opposite" of that color.比如,一个医生,整天盯着血液(暗红色),当他闭上眼睛,他就会看到“互补色”。

7.Cackpng, the men go back to work. Heywood stares at the rock. He crumbles it in his hands.大家呵呵笑着,接着干活去了。海沃德盯着这块石头,把它捏碎在手里。

8.She puts picture down, stares at it a moment longer.她放下照片,目不转睛地再看了一会儿。

9.Absolutely everyone stares, and if they don't, we feel put out, as we are now beginning to get used to it!他们要是不盯着我们了,我们反倒觉得不自在了,因为我们已经适应被人盯着看了!

10.Victoria Beckham drew stares when she tottered out of an airport in Rome in a pair of mile-high Christian Louboutin heeled booties.贝克汉姆的妻子维多利亚踉跄地出了罗马机场,她穿着一双一英里高的基督教卢布坦高跟短靴。