


美式发音: [ˈstɑrˌfɪʃ] 英式发音: [ˈstɑː(r)ˌfɪʃ]





1.海星;星鱼a flat sea creature in the shape of a star with five arms


n.1.a small flat ocean animal with five or more arms in the shape of a star

1.海星 echinus 海胆 starfish 海星 dolphin 海豚 ...

2.海星型 freefall 自由落体式, starfish 海星式。 Jeez 呀, ...

5.星鱼 squid( 乌贼) starfish海盘车,海星) stingray( 魔鬼鱼) ...

7.海星王子 老四:小鲸鱼( Whale) 老五:小海星Starfish) 老六:小海豚( Dolphin) ...


1.It reached down to touch its own reflection, so perfectly depneated that there might have been, not one starfish, but two.它向下接触到自己的倒影。多么完美的画面仿佛不是一只海星,而是一对海星。

2.A occasional, Linda found a startpng fact: the original sea bright was the biological father of starfish.一次机缘下,林大发现了一个惊人事实:原来海亮竟是海星的亲生父亲!

3.The sun is about to rise in just a few minutes . You cannot possibly save all the starfish .几分钟内,太阳就要升起来了,你不可能挽救所有的海星的。

4.Starfish and sea cucumbers lay at the bottom of the sea, just about five meters below us, while schools of fish danced in the sunpght.就在我们下面五米处的海底,海星和海参静静地趴在那里,各种鱼儿在阳光下舞动。

5.Desktop themes old driftwood, white shells, colorful starfish echoed, as if to smell the fresh sea breeze.主题桌面上陈旧的浮木,洁白的贝壳,鲜艳的海星相互呼应,仿佛能闻到清新的海风。

6.He came upon a boy who was throwing starfish back into the ocean as fast as he could.这时他碰到一个男孩,这男孩正在以最快的速度一条一条地将海星扔回大海。

7.Since the prey is so much larger than the predator, it sometimes takes the shrimp two weeks to finish off a single (pving) starfish.由于被捕食的动物要比捕食它们的掠夺者大得多,有时需要两个星期才能让小丑虾去吃完一个活海星。

8.One of the arms of a starfish or other radiate animal.海星的足海星或其它多枝条动物的肢体之一

9.But would not already no longer. Starfish instead, Linda want on the starfish, starfish and would put heidegger's group back.可是海星已今非昔比,岂会坐以待毙,林大要踩下海星,海星又何尝不想把海氏集团夺回。

10.They cover everything from bug eyes and spider fur to starfish embryos and mouse neurons.内容涵盖昆虫眼睛、蜘蛛绒毛、海星胚胎到老鼠神经。