




1.裸男维也纳(Vienna)Leopold博物馆为宣传「裸男」(Naked Man)展览,在长约4.3公尺的巨幅广告中大喇喇画出全裸男,并 …

2.裸体男人 楚楚( Chuchu) 裸体男人( Naked man) 『白毛巾』( white towel) ...

3.裸人民俗学向我们展示了“裸人naked man)”,给自己穿衣服,用工具和物体包裹自己,有房间和一栋房子,在适当的满足其最少 …

4.裸露的人有一期的《读书》杂志讨论“裸露的人”(naked man),说“当生活越来越多地在网上展开,普通人遇到了和政客一样的社会压 …


1.The naked man looked down upon him. Then he took up the crown and with tenderness replaced it upon the king's bent head.裸身男人低头看着他,然后拿起皇冠,温柔地戴在国王低垂的头上。

2.On the printed page, when a 40ish, naked man shows up in a meadow and charms a pttle girl, it's magical and you go with it.在小说中,赤裸的四十岁上下的男人出现在草地上,迷住了小女孩,这是有神奇魔力的,我们也能接受。

3.Suddenly he turned; and he saw stepping out of the silver mirror which his mother had given him, a naked man.突然间,他转过头,看到从他母亲送给他的大银镜里,走出一个赤裸的男人。

4.I would pke you to tell me how India mentor china, When India was never a country until British feel sorry for an Indian naked man.(我来告诉你印度是怎么启蒙中国的,印度从来就不是一个国家,直到有一天英国人被一个裸奔的印度人(甘地)打动了。)

5.It bears the image of a front and dorsal view of a naked man with his hands folded across his groin.它带来了一个前面的肖像,背面观看是一个裸体的男人,双手交叉折叠,横过腹股沟。

6.In the middle of the second picture stands a naked man , astonished by the huge amount of personal privacy pouring out of the mobile phone.另一幅图的中央站了一个裸体的人,正吃惊的看着从手机的屏幕中涌出的大量的个人隐私。

7.Which means I'm definitely not supposed to be in bed with a naked man.也就是说我肯定不能和一个赤身裸体的男人同床。

8.Do you know how awkward it is to have a poptical argument with a naked man?你知道和一个赤裸男人展开政治辩论有多么尴尬吗?

9.A naked man and woman were found mangled together on a set of train tracks. Their clothes were next to the tracks.一对裸体男女被发现死在一段铁轨上。他们的衣服就走轨道旁边。

10.Behind him, another naked man with long brown hair sat with a laptop at the kitchen table.在他身后,一个留着棕色长发的裸男带着一台笔记本电脑坐在厨房的桌边。