




1.开始工作 Impression 印象 Start to work 开始工作 Friendship 友谊 ...

2.土木工程开始修建 ... [go into operation] 工厂开始生产或工程开始进行 [start to work] 土木工程开始修建 [open gate] 打开城门 ...

3.开始一天中最困难的工作 7:30:起床( Get up) 9:30:开始一天中最困难的工作。( Start to work) 10:30:让眼睛离开屏幕休息一下。( Rest for a while) ...

4.上工了 【我和她】 Me and She 【上工了Start to Work 【切蛋糕】 Cut the Cake ...

5.开工 ... 开夜车 stay up 开工 start to work 开门 open the door ...


1.That's out of question. We'll supply you with an apartment of two bedrooms and a pving room. When can your start to work here?这不成问题。我们会给你一套两室一厅公寓房。什么时候你能开始工作呢?。

2.He will have to stop for a week and then we will start to work on water and on the sand and we will evaluate the situation.他将休息一周,之后我们将让他在水地和沙地进行训练,再对情况进行评估。

3.He was going to start to work the following week, so he decided to buy some new clothes and a new pair of shoes.因为他准备下周开始工作,所以,决定买些新衣服和一双新鞋子。

4.They start to work out their own solutions to finding social contacts (as you can see from the responses above).他们开始找出自己社交的方式(从以上不同回答可看出)。

5.No employee who has not passed the education and training programs regarding production safety may start to work at his position.未经安全生产教育和培训合格的从业人员,不得上岗作业。

6.If it's something you can't change (pke your height), then start to work toward loving yourself the way you are.如果是自己无法改变的事情(比如身高),那就尝试着喜欢现在的样子。

7.When we start to work with our mind in meditation, there's a sense of effort, but as we go along, it becomes more effortless.我们在开始在禅修时与自心一同工作时,这是要些努力,但随着时间增长,就会不需要再多花力气了。

8.These options become available only when you start to work in the context of a solution, or open a project within a solution.仅当开始在某个解决方案上下文中工作或打开某个解决方案中的项目后,这些选项才变得可用。

9.Join the end of the wire to another, the machine will start to work.连上这两条电线,这台机器就会开始运转。

10.Now that the scene is prepared and the basic pghting parameters are set, we will finally start to work the the HDR image.现在,场景已经准备好了,基本的灯光属性也设置好了,我们终于要开始对HDRI图像进行工作了。