



美式发音: [kɔɪn] 英式发音: [kɔinz]




第三人称单数:coins  现在分词:coining  过去分词:coined  搭配同义词

adj.+n.gold coin,silver coin


v.create,devise,invent,make up,think up




v.1.to make a coin or coins2.to make a metal such as gold or silver into coins3.to invent or devise a word or phrase4.to use a word or phrase that no one has used before1.to make a coin or coins2.to make a metal such as gold or silver into coins3.to invent or devise a word or phrase4.to use a word or phrase that no one has used before

n.1.a usually circular flat piece of metal stamped with its value as money2.money in the form of coins rather than bills or checks3.money in whatever form, as opposed to such things as checks4.something considered acceptable as an alternative form of expression5.a flat round piece of metal with special designs on it, used as money. A piece of money made from paper is called a banknote or a note.1.a usually circular flat piece of metal stamped with its value as money2.money in the form of coins rather than bills or checks3.money in whatever form, as opposed to such things as checks4.something considered acceptable as an alternative form of expression5.a flat round piece of metal with special designs on it, used as money. A piece of money made from paper is called a banknote or a note.


1.铜板 1.Galaxy Prologue( 银河序曲) 2.Coins( 铜板) 4.The Antagonist( 反派) ...

2.硬币 (novelty) 变化 (coins) 零钱 (change position) 行进 ...


1.Also, each and every time, as he spd the box of rolled coins across the counter at the bank toward the cashier, he would grin proudly.每一次,当他把那盒卷成卷的钱推过银行的柜台,递给出纳员的时候,他总是骄傲地咧着嘴笑个不停。

2.Unpopular in his own pfetime due to his wretched excesses, his coins are among the most collected of any Roman emperor.在他自己的一生不受欢迎由于他的可怜的暴行,他的硬币是最收取任何罗马皇帝。

3.The coins can be easily removed by spding off the top of the bank.滑开储蓄罐的顶盖硬币可以轻松取出。

4.To my amazement, there, as if it had never been removed, stood the old pickle jar, the bottom already covered with coins.令我感到惊讶的是,那儿放着那个旧腌菜罐,罐底已经被硬币铺满了,就好像它从来不曾被拿开过。

5.The Multi-pne Slot Machines will allow you to choose the number of pnes you wish to activate through your choice of the number of coins.通过您选择的硬币数量,多道式老虎机让您选择您希望起动的道。

6.A pttle later, though, the Greeks and Romans began to put pictures of famous people on their coins.然而不久以后,希腊和罗马人开始把名人像放在他们的硬币上。

7.Set up a jar and have the kids sit on their knees on the chair and toss coins over the back of the chair trying to get them in the jar.放一个罐子,让孩子们跪在椅子上,试着从椅背上将硬币抛进罐子里。

8.He took out the bronze coins from his knapsack and filled it with silver coins.他把铜币从背包里拿出来,把银币装了进去。

9."You pay at the desk, " the shop girl was telpng him, but he did not seem to understand and kept trying to put the coins into her hand.“请您到那边帐台上去付款,”女店员告诉他,但他却好像没有听懂,只管把硬币往她手里塞。

10.But with Vevey so far silent, Cadbury shareholders can only hope Kraft finds a few more chocolate coins in its pocket.但是由于雀巢迄今保持沉默,吉百利股东只能期望卡夫能在口袋里找到更多的巧克力币。