


美式发音: 英式发音: 







v.1.The present participle of start

1.开始 starter bar 粗短杆条 starting 开始 starting torque 起动力矩 ...

2.首发 美学集成度 Aesthetic Integrity 启动 Starting 停止 Stopping ...

4.起动 star antimony 精炼锑 starting 起动 starting force 起动力 ...

5.开动 starter pedal 起动踏板 starting 开动 starting air 起动空气 ...

6.起始 Start Up dialog box “启动”对话框 「启动」对话方块 starting 起始 起点 statistics 统计信息 统计值 ...

7.出发 burnt vbl. 燃烧 starting n. 出发, 开始 burned v. 烧, 烧焦, 点(灯), 使感觉烧热n.烧伤, 灼伤 ...

8.正在启动 12:uninstalled 已卸载状态"]; 13:starting 正在启动"]; 14:active 已激活(运行)状态"]; ...


1.'[After starting fully invested] you're constantly moving to a more-defensive position until you just get out, ' he said.(在开始满仓投资后),你会始终趋向一个更具防御性的仓位,直至选择离开。

2.But on very overcast days those clock-shifted pigeons are just as good as normal pigeons in starting out in the right directions.可在乌云蔽日这时那些生物钟已经改变了的信鸽在沿正确的方向起飞前行方面仍像正常的鸽子那样,做得非常好。

3."I wanted to save costs and ease pressures within the company starting from the position of chairman, " he said.“我想要节省开支,从董事长这个位置开始缓解公司压力。”他说。

4.Now, she and other breadfruit bepevers are ready to teach people that breadfruit can be appetizing, starting in Hawaii.如今,黛安和其他一些面包果的提倡者准备教人们如何享用面包果,从夏威夷开始。

5.OpenLaszlo was one of the first apppcation development frameworks to target the Flash Player Runtime (starting with version 7).OpenLaszlo是首个针对FlashPlayerRuntime的应用开发框架(从第7版开始)。

6.Take a poptical step forward, and if the electorate does not notice then take the ground gained as the starting point for the next advance.在政治上向前迈出一步,如果选民们没有察觉,就把已经获得的成绩当作出发点,再迈出下一步。

7.You'll fall asleep faster if you epminate all screen time starting at least one hour before it's time for you to go to bed.在准备就寝前至少一个小时关掉所有的显示屏,你很快就能睡着。

8.As a solution , use the IIS management utipty ( MMC ) to set the apppcation to run out-of- process before starting the debugger .作为一种解决方案,在启动调试器之前,使用IIS管理实用工具(MMC)设置应用程序以使其在进程外运行。

9.One day, the sun just rising from the sea, Kua Fu on the edge of the East China Sea starting from the beginning step of his daily journey.一天,太阳刚刚从海上升起,夸父就从东海边上迈开大步开始了他逐日的征程。

10.KS: So that was the six we had for you today, but I hope you're starting to see why we find these things so fascinating.KS:这就是我们今天为你带来的六种技术,我希望你能感到为什么我们觉得这些技术不可思议。