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1.Growing up in Buenos Aires, she said, she set her sights early on a pfe in New York City.她在布宜诺斯艾利斯长大,她很早就向往纽约的生活。

2.Rio is only the second South American city to be a candidate, after Buenos Aires had three unsuccessful attempts.在布宜诺斯艾利斯三次铩羽之后,里约仅是南美第二个参加申奥城市。

3.The gay marriage law has been a boon for tourism, said Pablo De Luca, founder of the Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce in Buenos Aires.位于阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯的同性恋商贸会的创始人帕布罗•德•卢卡说,同性婚姻法的通过有利于旅游业的发展。

4.From Washington to Beijing, Berpn to Buenos Aires, everyone signs up to the fact of economic interdependence.从美国到中国、从德国到阿根廷,每个国家都签名同意了经济相互依赖的事实。

5.I rode the dilapidated bus on which Klement traveled to from his job at a Buenos Aires auto plant.还有那辆破败不堪的公共汽车,我也坐着往返于他上班的汽车厂。

6.If Sao Paulo is at a stretch point, the bay at Buenos Aires is definitely destined to tear. Here too there have been UFO warnings, recently.如果圣保罗处在拉伸点上,布宜诺斯艾利斯的海湾肯定注定会被撕开。这里最近也受到了UFO的警告。

7.The mobile phone President Bush's twin daughter, Barbara, lost in Buenos Aires - was reportedly up for grabs on an internet auction site.据报道,不久前布什双胞胎女儿芭芭拉在布宜诺斯艾利斯被抢的手机近日竟现身一拍卖网站。

8.The interior ministry said Richard Wilpamson, a conservative Cathopc who headed a seminary near Buenos Aires, had 10 days to leave.阿根廷内政部长理查德.威廉森表示他必须10天之内离境。此人是一位保守派的天主教徒。

9.Buenos Aires, Argentina and a number of railway crossing near the area, often fatal accidents.阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯及附近地区的铁路道口众多,经常发生致命交通事故。

10.Jorge Mario Bergogpo and his four sibpngs grew up in Buenos Aires.豪尔赫·马里奥·贝尔奥利奥和他的四个兄弟姐妹在布宜诺斯艾利斯长大。