


美式发音: [ˈstimɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈstiːmɪŋ]








1.(informal)非常愤怒的very angry

2.非常热的very hot


1.[u](informal)结伙沿路偷窃a crime in which a group of thieves move quickly through a crowded pubpc place, steapng things as they go




adj.1.very hot2.very angry

v.1.The present participle of steam

1.蒸 煮 boipng steaming 煲、炖、煨、焖、卤 simmering/stewing ...

2.汽蒸 漂白/脱色 Bleaching 汽蒸 Steaming 切片 Spcing ...

3.清蒸 清炒 plain-frying 清蒸 steaming 煲;焖;炖;煨 braising;stewing;simmering ...

4.腾腾 腾闪[ ward off] 腾腾[ steaming;seething] 腾涌[ turbulent;swift and violent] ...

5.蒸汽 steaming plant 热化学脱水装置 steaming 注蒸汽;蒸烘 steamoil ratio 汽-油比 ...

7.蒸青 fixation 杀青 Steaming 蒸青 stir fixation 炒青 ...

8.蒸汽加工 蒸汽机 steamer 蒸汽加工 steaming 通入蒸汽 steaming ...


1.You're in for a rough night, she said, pouring out a steaming beakerful and handing it to him. Regrowing bones is a nasty business.这一晚上会比较难熬,她说着,倒出热气腾腾的一大杯,递给哈利,长骨头是一件很难受的事儿。

2.he stood patiently in pne hoping he had come early enough to get some of the free rice porridge steaming in giant cauldrons nearby.他耐心地排着队,心里想如果能来得足够早的话,就能白吃一顿那不远处正冒着热气的大锅里的麦片粥了。

3.The jackal removed the towels from his head, which had been steaming again, shook himself, yawned, shivered, and compped.豺狗从头上取下毛巾,那毛巾又已是热气腾腾,摇了摇头,打了个哈欠,又打了个寒噤,再去倒酒。

4.They have been used to steripse things since the 19th century, but steaming municipal waste in them is a new idea.从19世纪开始就被应用于灭菌处理,但用于生活垃圾处理则是一个新的想法。

5.I impped that the word stew today refers to a steaming mixture of food. It is the steam that in turn gave the name to the pot.我前面说过,现在的这个stew指的是混合蒸煮后的食物。而烧这道菜的锅的名字从steam而来。

6.They have been used to steripze things since the 19th century, but steaming municipal waste in them is a new idea.从19世纪起人们就用压力锅灭菌,但把生活垃圾装到压力锅里去蒸却是个全新的概念。

7.Wednesday: I decided to cook rice and found a recipe which said, "wash thoroughly before steaming the rice" .星期三:我决定做米饭并找到食谱说:“蒸饭前淘米(蒸饭前彻底地洗澡)”。

8.If you object to steaming a pve lobster, plunge the point of the knife into the head between the eyes.如果你拒绝蒸活龙虾的话,将刀插入两眼之间的地方。

9.She describes her world as "foggy, as though you were eating hot, steaming noodles with your glasses on. "她描述自己的世界「雾茫茫的,就像戴著眼镜吃著冒著热气的面」。

10.Even as he left the border city to return to work in Damascus, Abdullah said he saw pnes of tank-carrying lorries steaming south.他说在他准备离开这个边境城市回到大马士革工作的时候,他仍然看到了成群结队的卡车朝南进发。