


美式发音: ['stelə] 英式发音: ['stelə]

n.=stele 1




n.1.=stele 1

1.石碑 ... ★ swallow n. 吞没 ★★★ stela n. 石碑 ★★★ perch v. 放在……上 ...

2.石柱 墨砚 ink slab;ink stone 石柱 stela;upright stone;obepsk 砚石 ink stone;ink slab ...

3.半翅目 ... 末日祭典 lanruo 半翅目 stela 西风狂诗曲(伪) puyuxiang ...

4.斯泰拉. ... Stănica 斯特妮卡 Stela 斯泰拉 Stepana 斯泰利娅娜 ...

5.转转地带 商场打折 yuyujp 转转地带 stela 服饰鞋包消费区 chenpn123456 ...

6.星星 ... Stav 秋天 Stela 星星 Stevie 王冠 ...



1.If Stela had been an animal, he would have been a weasel.拿动物来比,斯特拉酷似一只黄鼠狼。

2.Four armed deputies surrounded Camillo Stela and escorted him through a door near the front of the courtroom that led to the witness room.四个武装法警簇拥着卡米罗·斯特拉,护送他穿过审判庭前端的一扇边门,走进证人室。

3.Mr Stela, I know that it took a great deal of courage for you to come into this courtroom and testify.斯特拉先生,我知道你今天到庭作证需要巨大的勇气。

4.The stela and statues are to be taken to a laboratory for desapnization treatment before going on an international tour at the end of 2003.这些雕像石头将被带到实验室经过脱盐处理,然后在2003年末继续在国际上进行巡回展示。

5.She walked over to the door she had seen Stela go through. An armed deputy blocked her way.她朝斯特拉刚才经过的那扇边门走去。一个武装法警挡住了她的去路。

6.Camillo Stela, one of Moretti's soldati, had been caught in a murder committed during a robbery.卡米罗·斯特拉是莫雷蒂手下的一员干将,他是在一起抢劫杀人案中被逮捕的。

7.Colfax is going to try to tear his testimony apart this afternoon and the Chief wants to make sure Stela doesn't foul up.柯尔法克斯今天下午会千方百计地推翻他的证词,首席检察官要求斯待拉千万别把事情搅乱了。

8.Mr Stela, Michael Moretti is on trial for the murders of Eddie and Albert Ramos. Did you know them?斯特拉先生,迈克尔·莫雷蒂眼下因谋杀艾迪·雷莫斯和阿伯特·雷莫斯而受审。你认识这两个人吗?

9.The District Attorney walked over to the witness box where Camillo Stela had been sworn in.地区检查官走到证人席上,卡米罗·斯特拉已经在这里起过誓。

10.Because the important content inscribed in the stela has not been recognized, the study of it becomes difficult.由于碑记关键内容一直未辨认出来,致使其研究工作难以深入进行。