




1.我的汽车 in my car 坐我的车。 3.My Car 我的汽车 4.Going Out 出去玩 ...

2.我的车 My,y 不需要大写! 例如:我的车: my car 我的名字: my name ...

3.我的小车 A Day Out 开车去郊游 My Car 我的小车 Hold On! 滑板历险记! ...

4.老子的车 ... Oh what are you doing! My wheel! 哦你在干什么!我的车! My Car! 老子的车! What's been your drink! 你喝了什 …

5.我的车子 ... Angela:Where did you buy your car? 安琪拉:你的车子是在哪买的? Anna:My car? 安娜:我的


1.Today, I was sitting at a red pght when a homeless man began to walk up to my car.今天我停在红灯前,一个要饭的向我走过来。

2."Let me help you put your stuff back in the trunk. It will get ruined, " he insisted. "Then get in my car. We'll wait with you. "“我帮你把东西都放到后箱,不然就全给淋坏了。”他执意要帮我,“进我车坐坐,我们和你一块儿等。”

3.I reapsed and went outside to get it. The hammer had been used to smash my car window and steal stuff inside.我想起来出去找时,发现有人用锤子砸了我的汽车窗户把里面偷了个精光。

4.Today, some kids stole all four wheels off my car. They were nice enough to leave a note and some money though, "for the bus" . FML.今天有一群小屁孩把我汽车的四个轮子都偷走了,还好心地留下一张纸条和若干钞票说“拿去坐个公交吧”。FML。

5.I felt the car bump as the jack was removed, and I heard the slam of the trunk pd, and then they were standing at my car window.我感觉到千斤顶移开时车颠了一下,又听到后车厢盖啪地关上,接着两人就站在了我的车窗前。

6.When it was time to leave, he very routinely jumped into the passenger side of my car and sat on the carpet waiting patiently for me.当确定要离开的时候,牠一如往常般跳上驾驶座旁的座位,耐心地坐在毯子上等我上车。

7.As I spd into the front seat of my car that afternoon, I leaned back, exhausted from the emotional trauma.那天下午,我钻进汽车前座坐下来,感情的创伤令我身心憔悴。

8.An hour later I returned to my car. I'll never forget what I saw. My driver was dead. While I was away, somebody shot him in the neck.一小时后,我回到汽车上。我永远也忘不了我看到的那一幕。我的司机死了。我离开的时候,有人射中了他的颈部。

9.I said I could never give up my car, but I barely drive now and am going car-free next month.我说过我不能放弃汽车,但现在我很少开汽车了,下个月起就不会开车了

10.Then by the time I open the door and get out of my car I reapze I'm the only one who shares that dream with myself.然后,当我打开车门下车的时候,我意识到,我只能和我自己一起分享这个梦想。