



美式发音: [stem] 英式发音: [stem]



abbr.(=Scanning transmission electron microscope)扫描透射式电子显微镜


过去式:stemmed  第三人称单数:stems  现在分词:stemming  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.stem tide,stem flow,stem rise,stem current






1.(花草的)茎;(花或叶的)梗,柄the main long thin part of a plant above the ground from which the leaves or flowers grow; a smaller part that grows from this and supports flowers or leaves

2.(高脚酒杯的)脚the long thin part of a wine glass between the bowl and the base

3.烟斗柄the thin tube of a tobacco pipe

4.有…茎(或梗)的having one or more stems of the type mentioned

a long-stemmed rose一枝长茎玫瑰

5.词干the main part of a word that stays the same when endings are added to it

‘Writ’ is the stem of the forms ‘writes’, ‘writing’ and ‘written’.writ 是 writes、writing 和 written 三个词的词干。

IDMfrom stem to stern从船头到船尾all the way from the front of a ship to the backv.

1.~ sth阻止;封堵;遏止to stop sth that is flowing from spreading or increasing

The cut was bandaged to stem the bleeding.伤口已包扎止血。

They discussed ways of stemming the flow of smuggled drugs.他们讨论了遏制走私毒品流通的办法。

The government had failed to stem the tide of factory closures.政府没有控制住工厂的倒闭潮。

v.1.闸住,堵住(水等);遏止,防止,压住,2.抵抗,反抗,逆(流)而行,顶着水面上3.(船)逆(风)开行4.【雪】转动(滑雪屐)以停止滑雪5.除掉...的梗茎6.给...装上柄,杆;给(假花等)装上梗柄7.〈美〉起源于,起因于,(由...)发生,来自 (from out of)8.堵住,止住9.逆行10.转动滑雪屐停止滑行1.闸住,堵住(水等);遏止,防止,压住,2.抵抗,反抗,逆(流)而行,顶着水面上3.(船)逆(风)开行4.【雪】转动(滑雪屐)以停止滑雪5.除掉...的梗茎6.给...装上柄,杆;给(假花等)装上梗柄7.〈美〉起源于,起因于,(由...)发生,来自 (from out of)8.堵住,止住9.逆行10.转动滑雪屐停止滑行


abbr.1.(=Scanning transmission electron microscope)扫描透射式电子显微镜

v.1.to stop something from spreading or increasing, especially something bad; to stop liquid from flowing

n.1.the long thin central part of a plant from which the leaves and flowers grow2.the long thin part of a wine glass that joins the bowl to the base3.the long narrow part of a pipe used for smoking4.the part of a word that does not change when an ending is added, for exampleworkin the wordworking1.the long thin central part of a plant from which the leaves and flowers grow2.the long thin part of a wine glass that joins the bowl to the base3.the long narrow part of a pipe used for smoking4.the part of a word that does not change when an ending is added, for exampleworkin the wordworking

abbr.1.(=Scanning transmission electron microscope)

1.茎 grunting 咕哝的, 呼噜的 stems n. , 干, 词干, 茎干v.滋生, 阻止 sear adj. 烤焦的, 枯萎的 ...

2.词干 ◆车把 Handlebars ◆把立 Stems ◆座管 Seatposts ...

6.茎类 • 根茎类( rhizomes) • 茎类( stems) • 叶类( leaves or leaflets) ...

7.梗茎类 Stems 根茎类 Stems 梗茎类 Sterilized cream 经消毒忌廉 ...


1.Cut a bit off the bottom of the stems before you put the roses in water.在将玫瑰插入水以前,先把茎的底部修去一点。

2.I do not know if it stems from the idea of all our hearts, I think it has a lot of decision is to make its silence.我不知道是不是源于一切自己内心的想法,我想已经有很大的决定是让自己沉默。

3.That optimism stems partly from an underestimation of how much Asian growth has been hitched to the wagon of western consumption.一定程度上,这种乐观情绪是因为低估了亚洲经济增长与西方消费快车之间的关联程度。

4.SMOKEFREE tobacco liquefaction, purification, into a solution can be completely volatile on tobacco stems by microwave to produce smoke.SMOKEFREE把烟草液化,提纯,成为一种可以完全挥发的溶液放在烟杆,通过微波使其产生烟雾。

5.The stems of any of these palms, used to make wickerwork, canes, and furniture.白藤茎这种爬行植物的茎,用来制作柳条制品,拐棍和家俱。

6.The notion that a "bit of reserves" would help keep you from getting sick probably stems from the days when food was scarce, he said.他说,食物不足时,“储备量”的观点可能会使你免于生病。

7.The question is no longer whether economic growth stems from autocracy or democracy, but rather about the character of that growth.问题再也不是经济增长是来自于专制还是民主,而是关于增长的性质。

8.A person's happiness stems not from how much he owns, but from how little he complains.一个人的快乐,不是因为他拥有的多,而是因为他计较得少。

9.The belief stems from the observation that beans kept in the dark for years will sprout when they're brought back into the sun.这一信念来自古人观察到的一个现象:豆子被放置在黑暗的地方,数年后当重见阳光时依然能发芽。

10.Much of this hollowing out of the American workforce is down to technology, but some of it stems from globalisation.美国劳动力空洞化大部分归根于技术,但是其中一些由于全球化。