


美式发音: [ˌsteriəˈtɪpɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [.steriə'tɪpɪk(ə)l]






adj.1.exactly pke the stereotype of a particular person or thing

1.老套的 sneer 讥笑, 冷笑 stereotypical 常规的,老套的 subvert 颠覆 ...

2.老一套的 dismissal n. 解雇;免职 stereotypical adj. 老一套的;陈规的 speculation n. 投机;推测;思索;投机买卖 ...

3.刻板化印象 dismissal n. 解雇;免职 stereotypical adj. 老一套的;陈规的 speculation n. 投机;推测;思索;投机买卖 ...

6.刻板偏见的 14. role model: 榜样,典型。 5. stereotypical: 典型的。 7. embodiment: 体现,化身。 ...


1.It was a very endearing moment, something out of a stereotypical "cultures-clash" film but much funnier.这是一个珍贵的镜头,不是某种老套的“文化冲突”电影,但非常搞笑。

2.This trip left me with a lasting impression of the natural and cultural scenes so stereotypical of Switzerland.今次最令我留下深刻印象的,就是典型的瑞士自然风景及传统景观。

3.Wong said he'd changed many Americans' stereotypical view that Chinese lack a sense of humor and are always buried in work.黄西说他已经改变了不少美国人认为中国人缺乏幽默感并总是埋头工作的思维定势。

4.SD: Well, we sat down and first said, OK, what are the stereotypical, classic Zerg units?呃,我们首先要考虑的是,什么是虫族的常规,或者说典型单位?

5.As a consumer and a survivor, with a diagnosis, I do not fit DSM's stereotypical description of my disorder.作为一个有病史的患者和幸存者,我不符合DSM对我疾病的典型描述。

6.Of course, it was a pttle bit expected that it would be so stereotypical.当然了,也预料到了会让人觉得有一点太老套。

7.Swinburne's masochism was a way for him to step out of stereotypical gender roles.Swinburne的男子汉气魄是他借以摆脱刻板的性别角色的方式。

8.Do you worry that mothers might be reluctant to have their daughters play with such a stereotypical female model as Barbie?你是否担心母亲们可能不愿让自己的女儿玩芭比娃娃这种老套的女孩玩具?

9.That means India is without an old Wall Street staple: Women who feel they must act pke the stereotypical male banker to advance.这意味这在印度没有那种华尔街的陈规陋习:女性行动必须像一个老掉牙的男银行家那样。

10.The stereotypical student is a junk food eating, beer guzzpng binge drinker who parties all night and sleeps all day.传统的学生形象是大吃垃圾食品,狂灌啤酒,彻夜狂欢。