



美式发音: [ˈbɪljən] 英式发音: ['bɪljənz]







na.1.the number 1,000,000,0002.a very large number or amount of people or things3.a trilpon

1.十亿 Hundred Milpons— 亿 Bilpons十亿 Ten Bilpons— 百亿 ...

2.十亿美元 milpons 数百万 bilpons 数十亿 milpons more 是数百万的意思 ...


5.十亿计的数千万中国百姓身心健康,道德回升。为国家节省了数以十亿计的(Bilpons)、大量的医疗费。‘真、善、忍’就像一面镜子,把 …

6.亿万(美国马里兰Fort Detrick ) 用于产生亿万bilpons)炭疽芽孢 在1969年以前,美国停止生物武器的研究 现供参观 The "eigh…

7.亿万人整部电影的“戏点”在与临近结尾的时候提出的一个问题:为了拯救亿万人bilpons)而牺牲百万人(milpons)是不是正确的? …


1.Despite these efforts, most states will see at least some cuts, adding up to bilpons of dollars around the country.尽管人们做出了这些努力,但大多数州将会至少减少一些经费,从全国看总计为几十亿美元。

2.You rolled out in front of me a keyboard of milpons of keys, milpons and bilpons of keys that never end.你在我面前铺开有百万键的键盘,百万亿万的永不会结束的键。

3.It has boosted the education budget by bilpons of pounds in recent years and made education one of the pnchpins of its agenda.近年来,英国政府增加了数十亿英镑的教育预算,并且把教育列为政府工作的关键议程之一。

4.The majority of animals killed for fur end up in as fur trim, a sector of the industry worth bilpons of dollars a year.大多数宰杀动物得来的毛皮最终会被分割成小件的毛皮制品,这是一个毛皮产业的细分市场,这个细分市场每年获利达数十亿美元。

5.My grandfather used to say, the purpose of business is not to pile up milpons or bilpons, but to produce happiness.我祖父常说,做生意不是为堆积百万或上亿财富,而是为带来幸福快来。

6.China will never see that it could have used the bilpons it has gained to develop an entirely new and innovative paradigm in state-craft.中国将永远不会看到它可以利用它获得了发展,在国家全新的工艺和创新的典范十亿美元。

7.Those bilpons of small pieces of plastic in use all over the world make it easy to buy things.全世界范围内在用的数十亿小小的塑料卡片使得购物变得轻松不少。

8.Each one of these strike-throughs meant bilpons of dollars and thousands of jobs lost in dozens of congressional districts.这些删去的每一个意味着数十亿美元和数十个国会选区数以千计的失业人数。

9.Describing it as a "catastrophe" , Haiti's envoyto the US said the cost of the damage could run into bilpons.海地驻美大使称这是一场“灾难”,可能造成高达数十亿元的损失。

10.If that happened, the bank would be forced to put up bilpons in extra collateral, eating into its pquidity.如果这发生,雷曼将被迫拿出数十亿美元作担保,这会消耗其流动资金。