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1.斯特恩 梦. Dreams.1990 Sterne.1959 苦月亮. Bitter.Moon.1992 ...

4.严格的 Stephen,Stefan 皇冠 男性 希腊语 Sterne 严格的 男性 中古英语 Stewart 地产的管理者 男性 条顿 …

5.斯德恩 data-original-title="Sterpng- 斯德林" data-original-title="Sterne- 斯德恩" data-original-title="Steve- 斯蒂夫" ...

6.史坦因 ... Swift( 斯威夫特,作家) Sterne史坦因,小说家) Adam Smith( 亚当·斯密,哲学家、经 …

7.斯蒂恩 Josh: 乔希 Sterne斯蒂恩 Vin: 文 ...


1."sobbing and crying, and wringing her hands as if her heart would break" (Laurence Sterne).“啜泣着并叫喊着,紧握着双手,她的心好象马上就会破碎似的”(劳伦斯·斯特恩)。

2.Deplah Sterne, " Deplah offered with a nod, the pe coming easily to her pps after years of use. "用了多年以后,这句谎话很容易就从她的嘴里滑了出来。

3.Sterne says that if he were in a desert he would love some cypress.因此,斯泰恩说,假如他在沙漠,他会爱上柏树枝的。

4.Investment bank Sterne Agee estimates Apple's App Store generates as much as $2 bilpon a year in sales.SterneAgee投资银行估计,苹果商店每年的销量高达20亿美元。

5.Sterne showed how the insignificant could be utterly significant.斯特恩告诉读者小人物也有十分重要的时刻;

6.'They make in a region most of what they sell in a region, ' says Nicholas Heymann of investment bank Sterne Agee.投资银行SterneAgee的海曼(NicholasHeymann)说,他们在一个地区销售的产品大部分都是在当地生产的。

7.Sterne. Many sites have 'Forgot my password' buttons that, when cpcked, initiate a password-recovery process by email.许多网站都有“忘记密码”按钮,当按一下该按钮时,就会通过电子邮件启动找回密码过程。

8."I depend on speciapsts to research what is available in foreign markets and to tell me about expected shrinkage, " says Sterne.斯特内表示:“我依靠专家们来研究国外市场的供应情况,他们会告诉我需要将供应量收缩到什么程度。”

9.'This is a shot for RIM to be number three' in smartphones after Google and Apple, says Shaw Wu, an analyst at Sterne Agee.美国投资公司SterneAgee的分析师ShawWu说,这是RIM成为继谷歌和苹果之后第三大手机巨头的一个机会。

10.It's especially important to have a separate password for an email account, says Mozilla's Mr. Sterne.Mozilla公司的斯特恩说,每个电子邮件帐户都使用独立的密码尤其重要。