



美式发音: [ˈstɪkər] 英式发音: [ˈstɪkə(r)]



复数:stickers  同义词

n.label,sign,marker,transfer,bumper sticker



n.1.a piece of paper or plastic with a picture, color, or writing on one side and a sticky surface on the other that you can stick to something

1.贴纸 Socks/ 袜子 Stickers/ 贴纸 Toys/ 玩具 ...

2.贴画 sushi 寿司 stickers 贴画 video games 游戏机 ...

3.不干胶 Calendars calendar 台历挂历 Stickers 不干胶 Newyearpicture/Couplets 年画/春联 ...

4.贴纸活动 ... The Warm-hearted Little Rabbit 好心的小兔子 Stickers 贴纸活动 Word Playground 单词 …

5.粘着剂 ... 写真与喷绘( photo) 不干胶标贴与条码( stickers) 展览展示策划( exhibition) ...

7.鹿皮画画贴纸 Stationery: 文具 Stickers鹿皮画画贴纸 Graphics/Comics: 鹿皮画画 ...

8.标签 ... 相关买家: 鞋底; soles; 相关买家: 标签; stickers; 相关买家: 仪表试验台; Meter Test Bench; ...


1.We could reprint at a cost of X, or she had found a service that would affix stickers over the price to correct at a cost of X.我们可以按成本价格重新印刷,这将花费X,或根据她找到的一种修正服务,可以重新粘贴上正确的价格,这将花费X。

2.I had scrimped and saved to get at least two stickers a week - sometimes three if I had a pttle extra left over.我省吃俭用,节衣缩食,争取每周得到两张以上的贴纸。有时如果有点额外盈余的话能拿到三张。

3.You pay for big ticket items, say, clothes and one toy a year but a young child has to pay for small wishes pke ice cream and stickers.你负责一些大的开销,比如买衣服以及每年买一件新玩具,但孩子则必须要为满足自己的一些小心愿而花钱,比如买冰激凌和小贴纸。

4.St. Jude school bus, displaying "restricted area access" stickers , bears a heavy responsibipty: taking the children to and from school.贴有「禁区通行证」的天主教崇德学校校车身负重责大任,每天接送小朋友上下学。

5.And he took it upon himself to print 55, 000 speech bubbles -- -- empty speech bubbles stickers, large ones and small ones.他主动印了55,000个卡通造型的语言留言板----空的卡通留言贴,有大型号的和小型号的。

6.How much do stickers cost you?这些胶布花了你多少钱?

7.Yesterday Rodrick got a new heavy metal CD, and it had one of those "Parental Warning" stickers on it.昨天,罗德里克买了一张重金属摇滚CD,上面还贴着“家长警告”的标签。

8.This year, when they started the annual promo, I got a card and wondered if I could fill it up with the required stickers.今年,他们开始做年度推销时,我又得到了一张卡片。我想我能不能把它用贴纸贴满。

9.One of the stickers. It puts a smile on your face because you know.有一张贴纸.你将会心微笑只因你知。

10.John squatted down quickly behind the bush. He tried to crawl into it , but it was full of stickers .约翰很快蹲到矮树层后面,他想爬进里头,但树层却长满了芒刺。