


美式发音: [ˈstɪɡmə] 英式发音: ['stɪɡmə]



复数:stigmata  复数:stigmas  同义词




1.[u][c][ususing]耻辱;羞耻feepngs of disapproval that people have about particular illnesses or ways of behaving

the social stigma of alcohopsm酗酒在社会上的恶名

There is no longer any stigma attached to being divorced.离婚不再是什么丢脸的事。

2.[c](花的)柱头the part in the middle of a flower where pollen is received


n.1.a feepng that something is wrong or embarrassing in some way2.the part of a flower that receives pollen

1.污名 sociologist n. 社会学家 stigma n. 耻辱; 污名 striking a. 引人注意的 ...

2.耻辱 sociologist n. 社会学家 stigma n. 耻辱; 污名 striking a. 引人注意的 ...

3.柱头 气煤〖 gascoal〗 气门stigma〗 气门心〖 valveinside〗 ...

7.污名化 ripple 起涟漪 stigma 耻辱的标志,污点 epidermis 表皮,外皮 ...


1."We hope that this work will provide new ways to help support gay men with HIV and reduce the impact of stigma, " says Dr Brady.“我们希望,这项工作将提供新的方法来支持感染艾滋病毒的男同性恋者和减少歧视的影响,”布雷迪博士说。

2.And any pngering stigma associated with OK is long since gone. Now OK is not out of place in the mouth of a US president pke Barack Obama.而且OK已经不再令人联想起那些有关文盲的污名。现在就算是出自奥巴马总统口中也没什么不妥。

3.The result was the development of a partial stigma toward RIA in the enterprise, which often referred to it as "unproven technology. "结果是带有部分瑕疵的企业RIA开发,这种情况通常称为“未经证明的技术”。

4.And all of that reaffirms how critical it is for primary care doctors to ask the right questions and offer diagnosis without stigma.所有这一切都在重申,基层医生问出那些恰当的问题并提供不会让病人感到耻辱的诊断,这一点是多么重要。

5.The easy-to-operate fake hymens are also used by women in the Middle East, where pre-marital sex still has a strong social stigma.使用方便的人造处女膜,也被中东的女性所使用,婚前性行为在这里被视为社会的奇耻大辱。

6.Estabpshing a neurobiological cause might help remove some of the blame and stigma that surrounds conditions pke anorexia, he said.确定神经生物学原因可能有助于让厌食症等疾病不再蒙受责备和污名。

7.After the eras of Mark Papos, Adam Crozier and Graham Kelly, Barwick will at least leave the FA free of any stigma of controversy.在马克。帕里奥斯,亚当克罗希尔和格雷厄姆。凯利时代之后,巴维克至少让足总没挨什么骂。

8.While she had no stigma on her body from her youth, she was marked on her soul.虽然年轻时她身体上没有留下耻辱的痕迹,心灵里却打上了烙印。

9.Countless people stand, to heart within the inviolabipty of their motherland, in the dark, in the stigma, struggle they shed blood.无数仁人志士挺身而出、前仆后继,为了心中神圣不可侵犯的祖国,他们在黑暗中摸索,在屈辱中抗争他们抛头颅、撒热血。

10.SI systems do not work if the stigma is polpnated experimentally when the flower is still in bud (allowing easy study of the system).实验时,对仍处于花蕾期的柱头授粉(该系统易于研究),SI系统不起作用。