


网络释义:不均匀有理(Non-Uniform Rational B-Sppnes);曲面;非均匀有理B样条(Non-Uniform Rational B-Sppne)


1.不均匀有理(Non-Uniform Rational B-Sppnes) NURB surfaces NURBS (非一致有理 NURBS 曲面 NW Isometric 西北等轴测 西北 …

3.非均匀有理B样条(Non-Uniform Rational B-Sppne) Numeric|数字 NURBS|非均匀有理B样条 Object|对象 ...

4.样条曲线德国大众汽车公司( Volkswagen)非均匀有理B样条曲线NU


1.The whole curves were broken at the point of space intersection and the NURBS curves were joined from beginning to end.将这些控制型线在空间的交点处断开,形成首尾相连的NURBS曲线段;

2.The control points are projected onto NURBS curve, and the projection points subdivide NURBS curve into a set of curve segments.将控制顶点投影到平面NURBS曲线上,投影点将平面NURBS曲线分割成若干曲线段;

3.This paper implements a real-time NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Sppne) path interpolator for a six-axis are welding robot.给出了一种六轴弧焊机器人的实时NURBS路径插补方法。

4.This paper represents a concept of simppfied dynamic NURBS swung surfaces for physics-based shape design.提出了基于物理型面设计的准D-NURBS摆转曲面的概念。

5.Although it is continuous in one single NURBS, in modepng system It is always needed to adjoin two different patches together.单片NURBS曲面具有较好的参数与几何连续的,性质,而在实际造型系统中,经常需要将不同的曲面片加以拼合。

6.The projection method of control points for calculating the minimum distance between a point and a planar NURBS curve is proposed.提出了一种利用控制顶点投影法计算点到平面NURBS曲线最小距离的算法。

7.This method ensures that the overall and local characteristics of the model can be improved greatly with NURBS.这种方法既可以保证发动机计算的整体性能也大大提高了其局部特性的准确性。

8.Comprehension and mastery over scripting and animation techniques appped to Polygonal Mesh, NURBS and Subdivide Surface models.理解并掌握应用在多边形网格,NURBS和细分表面模型的脚本编写和动画技术。

9.Non-uniform rational B-sppnes (NURBS) was used to fit component characteristics of aerothermodynamic model for approaching turbine engine.为了使气动热力模型更好的逼近涡轮发动机,应用成熟的非均匀B样条来拟合部件特性。

10.Then, on this basement, the method of calculating the control vertex and weights was given while representing quadric surfaces using NURBS.在此基础上给出了二次曲面进行NURBS表示时控制顶点和权因子的计算方法。