


美式发音: [ˈstɪŋər] 英式发音: [ˈstɪŋə(r)]






n.1.the sharp part of an insects body that it can push into your skin and hurt

1.毒刺 stingaree 黄貂鱼 stinger 刺激者 stingily 吝啬地 ...

6.痛击兰地亚历山大(Brandy Alexander Cocktail)8. 吉普森(...螺丝刀(Screwdriver) 痛击(Stinger)汤姆可冷士(Tom Collins) 伏特加天尼(...

7.史丁格,这类酒味美芬芳,饮后能增长精力,宜餐后与咖啡并进史丁格(stinger)质料:白兰地1.25英两白薄荷酒1.25英两制法:在调羽觞内放 …


1.A specially profiled probe, known as a stinger, is attached to the bottom of the tubing string to engage in the retainer during operation.一个定型的探管,即注水泥插入管,被固定在油管柱的底部,以便在作业期间与水泥限位器接合。

2.I really should have been wearing a full stinger suit, as it recommended at all beaches here at this time of year.我真应该穿上防护服。在一年中的这段时间,所有海滩都有这种提示。

3.Unlike Honeybees, when wasps sting their victim they do not lose their stinger, allowing them to sting their victim repeatedly.与蜜蜂不同的是,当黄蜂螫伤受害者时,还要反复不断地攻击。

4.If the narrator could put his glass of water down, I think he would see that a toast to the world with a Stinger would suit him well.假如这位故事的讲述者放下他手中的水杯,我认为他就会明白,举起一杯史丁生为这个世界干杯会再适合他不过了。

5.She traveled in an elegant custom vessel named the Stinger, provided to her by Xizor.她的飞船“刺针号”同样典雅高贵,由西佐为她度身定制。

6.Your specialty is poison Needles like the scorpion Stinger.你的特长是猩红毒针就像蝎子的毒刺。

7.You may have heard about this feature in the DB2 V8. 2 (also known as Stinger) release.您可能在DB2V8.2(也叫做Stinger)版本中听说过该特性。

8.Initially, Taliban fighters had fired at the Buddha with assault rifles , stinger missiles and RPGs, to little effect.一开始,神学士民兵用突击步枪、刺针飞弹、火箭推进式榴弹对著佛像扫射,但没什麽成效。

9.Other inhabitants include the stinger fans, which resemble plants but are flesh and blood and use flower-like tentacles to trap sunlight.在这个星球上,其它一些“居民”还包括样子类似于植物,却长着血肉之躯,靠像花一样的触角来捕捉阳光的“刺激扇”。

10.In Tim May's eyes a digital tape is a weapon as potent and subversive as a shoulder-mounted Stinger missile.在蒂姆·梅的眼中,一盘数字带作为武器的威力和破坏力,如同肩扛式毒刺导弹。