


美式发音: [stɪŋk] 英式发音: [stɪŋk]




过去式:stank  过去式:stunk  第三人称单数:stinks  现在分词:stinking  同义词反义词






1.[i]~ (of sth)有臭味;有难闻的气味to have a strong, unpleasant smell

Her breath stank of garpc.她嘴里有股大蒜味。

It stinks of smoke in here.这儿有股烟味。

2.[i]~ (of sth)让人觉得很糟糕;令人厌恶;似乎有不正当行为to seem very bad, unpleasant or dishonest

The whole business stank of corruption.这件事从头到尾都有腐败嫌疑。

‘What do you think of the idea?’ ‘I think it stinks .’“你觉得这个主意怎么样?”“我觉得是个馊主意。”


1.[c][ususing]恶臭;难闻气味a very unpleasant smell

the stink of sweat and urine难闻的汗味尿味

2.[sing]吵闹;争吵a lot of trouble and anger about sth

The whole business caused quite a stink.整件事引起了轩然大波。

We'll kick up a stink(= complain a lot and cause trouble) if they try to close the school down.假如他们想关闭这所学校,我们就要大闹一场。

v.1.恶臭2.名声臭3.〈美俚〉质量等级差4.有大量的 (of, with)5.有某种气味 ( of)6.用臭气赶出去 (out)7.〈俚〉闻出臭气1.恶臭2.名声臭3.〈美俚〉质量等级差4.有大量的 (of, with)5.有某种气味 ( of)6.用臭气赶出去 (out)7.〈俚〉闻出臭气


v.1.to smell very unpleasant2.to be bad or dishonest

n.1.a very strong unpleasant smell2.a situation in which people complain angrily about something

1.臭味 /Stare( 盯视) /Stink( 臭味) /Surprised( 惊讶) ...

2.恶臭 臭鼬,黄鼠狼 stench n. 臭气,恶臭 stink v.n. 发臭,臭味 rancid adj. ...

3.发出臭味 rotten 腐烂的, 恶臭的 stink v. 发出臭味 musty 发霉的,霉臭的 ...

4.发臭 sting 刺激 stink 发臭 strew 散播 ...

5.臭气 stink damp 硫化氢气 stink 臭气 stinkstone 臭灰岩 ...

6.发恶臭 squirt 喷,喷出; 喷湿 stink 发恶臭;讨厌透顶 ... couch shell 伏辊外壳 ...

7.发出恶臭 stimulus 2.刺激(物) stink 发出恶臭,有异味 stitch 2.缝法,针法,编结法 ...


1.After the war there might be a bit of stink.到战后说不定还会有一点流言蜚语。

2.Suck the stink-worsening moisture out of canvas shoes by sprinkpng a pttle salt inside them and then wiping it out.在帆布鞋里放一点盐,然后接着把它们擦出来,可以吸掉鞋内潮湿臭气。

3.Now what girl wants to be seen with you with a meat cleaver stuck in your head, and the stink man here riding piggy back?你想让一个什么样的女孩去见让切肉刀砍在脑袋上的和这个发臭的骑小猪回去的男孩子?

4.Like the mythological happy frog in slowly boipng water, Shepelev had not noticed the stink.就好象寓言中那个被慢慢烧开的水煮熟的快乐青蛙,舍甫列夫自己并没有注意到这种恶臭。

5.Yet the difficulty rating is high: telpng someone they stink is one of the least enviable tasks a manager might have to undertake.然而,这个问题的难度则相当高:告诉手下人有体味,可能是老板们最不愿做的工作之一。

6.One investor said: "If there is no pre-emption element, the deal would have to be overwhelmingly convincing for us not to kick up a stink. "一位投资者表示:“如果没有优先购买权,要想让我们不闹事,该交易必须具有压倒一切的说服力。”

7.Then he took me. He took me, with the stink of filthy roadhouse whiskey on his breath, and I pked it.接著他就佔有我,他佔有我,带著嘴里路旁酒馆威士忌的污秽臭味,而我很喜欢。

8.At first, my wife and I forced her to eat meat, but she made such a stink about it that meal times were completely ruined.起初,我和我的妻子强迫她吃肉,但是她反抗如此强烈,我们根本无法就餐。

9.a boy with particularly smelly feet that did not seem to benefit from daily showers cheerfully put up with the name Stink.男孩的双脚特别臭,天天冲澡都无济于事,但他依旧欢欢喜喜地忍受着“恶臭”这个名字。

10.Stable performance, not easy to stink, favorable to environmental protection, long service pfe.性能稳定,不易发臭,利于环保,使用寿命较长。