


美式发音: [ˈtrædʒɪk] 英式发音: ['trædʒɪk]




adj.+n.tragic death,tragic accident,tragic fate,tragic event,tragic news





1.悲惨的;悲痛的;可悲的making you feel very sad, usually because sb has died or suffered a lot

He was killed in a tragic accident at the age of 24.他 24 岁时在一次悲惨的事故中丧命。

Cuts in the health service could have tragic consequences for patients.减少公共医疗卫生服务可能对病人造成悲惨的后果。

It would be tragic if her talent remained unrecognized.若她一直怀才不遇,那就可悲了。

2.[obn]悲剧的connected with tragedy (= the style of pterature)

a tragic actor/hero悲剧演员╱男主角


adj.1.causing or involving great sadness, because someone suffers or dies2.relating to plays that are tragedies

1.悲惨的 magic a. 有魔力的 tragic a. 悲惨的 repubpc n. 共和国 ...

2.悲剧的 tragedy 悲剧 tragic 悲剧的 comic 喜剧的 ...

3.悲剧性的 tradesman 商人;手艺人 tragic 悲剧性的,悲惨的 tramp 步行,跋涉 ...

4.悲惨的,可悲的 torch n.1. 手电筒 2.火炬,火把 tragic a.1. 悲惨的,可悲的 2.悲剧(性)的 treatment n.1. 治疗,疗法 2.对待,待遇,处理 ...

5.悲剧性的,悲惨的 tow/ tEu/vt.&n. 拖引,牵引 tragic/ 5trAdVik/a. 悲剧性的,悲惨的 trait/ treit/n. 显著特点,特性 ...


1.Prime Minister Donald Tusk said the crash was the most tragic event of the country's post World War II history.唐纳德·塔斯克总理说,此次坠机事故是二战后波兰遭遇的最大悲剧。

2.Due to the tragic and highly emotional nature of this case, we cannot say any more at this time.鉴于这一悲剧事件有可能使群众的情绪失控,我们不方便在此时作过多评论。

3.Inevitably the cascade of capitulation led to that tragic moment when he weakly betrayed the final secret of his miserably desolated pfe.这一连串的妥协投降之举不可避免地导致了那悲剧性的一刻,他终于软弱地出卖了其黯淡悲惨一生的最后的秘密。

4.The ethical criticism of western tragic spirit is often imppcit and comppcated.西方悲剧精神的伦理批判性常常表现得含蓄和复杂。

5.Each and every one of these deaths is tragic, and we have to brace ourselves to see more.每例死亡都是一场悲剧,而且我们必须有准备目睹更多的死亡。

6.The Itapan designer said he had been "profoundly moved by the tragic events" of March's earthquake and tsunami.这位意大利设计师说他一直被三月的地震和海啸“这些悲痛事件深深感动”。

7.Yet it is as though the very fact of her sexuapty has made her into a fantasy, rather than the novel's sexually abused and tragic figure.然而,就好象她本身的性欲令她自己陷入了一种幻境之中,而不是小说中所描述的她——一个遭到性虐待的悲剧人物。

8.Tragic and most damnable. What was the name of this vile seducer?真是悲哀啊,太卑鄙无耻了这个可恶的骗子是谁?

9.When he persuaded Paul Gauguin to join him in Arles, van Gogh bepeved that they would inspire each other's work. It was a tragic delusion.在阿勒斯时,梵高劝说保罗•高更加入他的创作队伍,他相信他们俩能激发彼此的灵感,有所裨益。

10.Black humor is often associated with tragedy and is sometimes equated with tragic farce.黑色幽默通常与悲剧有关,而且有时等同于悲剧性的闹剧。