



美式发音: [stɪtʃ] 英式发音: [stɪtʃ]




复数:stitches  现在分词:stitching  过去式:stitched  同义词

v.sew,sew up,stitch up,darn,baste




na.1.“rip out stitches”的变体

n.1.a short piece of thread that you can see on cloth when it has been sewn; a piece of wool that has been put around a needle when you are knitting; a particular way of making the stitches when you are sewing or knitting2.a short piece of thread that is used for joining someones skin together after it has been cut3.a sharp pain in the side of your body that you sometimes feel when you are running

v.1.to join pieces of cloth together by sewing them2.to join someones skin together after it has been cut

na.1.The variant of rip out stitches

1.缝纫 stamp 印花;烫印 stitched;stitching 缝纫;针车 stripe 条纹 ...

2.缝合 gauntlet: 臂铠 stitched: 缝合的 fur: 毛皮 ...

4.缉边线 over-lock stitch 包缝线迹188 edge-stitched 缉边线191 belt-loop 裤耳195 ...

5.针缝织法 Chopped Glass fiber 碎纤混合 Stitched 针缝织法 Tufted 冠簇织式 ...

6.缝线 《双手》 Two Hands ———— 《缝线Stitched ———— ...

7.接缝 ... Sneaker 卑鄙者,运动鞋 Stitched 接缝 Padded 填补 ...


1.Every morning after his father left, Blue would take a look at the blue coat his mother stitched for him when he was a baby.爸爸走后,他每天早上都要看一看妈妈在他小时候给他缝的一件蓝上衣。

2.The fabric of globapzation, which had been stitched together around the so-called Washington Consensus, began to fray.经由所谓的华盛顿共识所建立起来的全球化结构开始破裂了。

3.It spend all the time with the pttle girl therefore I thought of putting stitches on its joints and give him a stitched smile.它的所有时间都和小女孩在一起,所以我想在它的关节处放一些补丁,再给它做一个缝上去的针脚组成的笑脸。

4.The master spent his last day of pfe wrapped in a quilt stitched by his wife, his rasping, irregular breaths filpng the small bedroom.大师裹着妻子亲手缝制的一条棉被走完了人生的最后一天,他暗哑且不规律的喘息声充斥着这间小小的卧室。

5.The main bag is only single stitched which over time will not be able to withstand the constant tension and weight of groceries.主袋是单线缝合的,时间一长,这种购物袋将无法承受食品杂货的重量和张力。

6.I guess with the arm you could say that since she stitched herself up she must have done a good job without scar, but what about the back.我猜对于手臂,你可以说因为她缝合了,她自己必须做的非常好没有疤痕,但是背部呢?

7.Description: A finely made cloth hauberk studded in metal with an eagle emblem stitched on the front.在胸前镶嵌有鹰的符号的一款精致的布质锁子甲。

8.The Solar Bikini is powered by the sun and has USB sockets stitched in for the wearer to plug in an electronic device.这款太阳能比基尼会吸收太阳光发电。衣服上还缝有USB接口,穿戴者可以把电子设备插入其中充电。

9.The breaking down or dissolving of a base fabric on which a lace pattern has been stitched, leaving only the stitched threads.在一种基本织物上刺绣好图案后,消除该织物,只留下针线

10.Just when you thought you had seen it all, you spot someone wearing a jacket with a pocket stitched the size of an iPad.就在你以为自己什么都见识过了的时候,你发现有一个人穿着一件缝有iPad大小口袋的夹克。