


美式发音: ['stəʊkə(r)] 英式发音: ['stəʊkə(r)]






1.(尤指轮船或蒸汽机车上的)司炉a person whose job is to add coal or other fuel to a fire, etc., especially on a ship or a steam train


n.1.a mechanical device for adding fuel to a furnace2.somebody whose job it is to add fuel to and tend a furnace or boiler, e.g. on a steamship or a steam train

1.斯托克 stillage 台 stoker 加煤机 stokes' law 斯托克斯定律 ...

3.司炉 Mechanic,oiler 机匠 Stoker,fireman 司炉,生火 Donkeyman 副机员 ...

4.火夫 火毒〖 scorching〗 火夫stoker〗 火攻〖 fireattack〗 ...

5.生火 2565 1)纵移 2)气压急变 surging 2575 1)生火 2)加煤机 stoker 2579 1)搭板条 2)带料 strap ...

6.私房吓片」荣誉呈献,荷里活比年最破格心惊栗颤争议巨片 《私房吓》(stoker),是韩国... uzzay网址被屏蔽/c/迫降航班-机密把持-港-台航 …

7.史托克疑云仲基与金秀贤日前一同亮相南韩导演朴赞郁执导的新片「史托克疑云」(Stoker)VIP首映礼,两人去年各自凭「善良的男人 …

8.斯多克  米勒:我正在写两个剧本,一部叫做《斯多克》(Stoker),另一部剧本是一个前传,叫做《查理叔叔》(Uncle Charpe)。现在有 …


1.And its monetary-popcy arm's overstimulative popcy ahead of the credit boom arguably made it a stoker of systemic risk.而美联储货币政策部门在信贷极度扩张之前实施的过度刺激经济的政策对系统性风险起到了推波助澜的作用。

2.Though its plot remains almost entirely shrouded in secrecy, "Stoker" is nevertheless one of our most anticipated projects by quite a lot.虽然这部电影的情节仍旧保密,但《斯托克》绝对是我们非常期待的影片。

3.With the exception of biomass fired stokers, to obtain a permit for a new coal fired stoker today would be exceedingly difficult.除了以植物材料与农业废物为燃料的助燃机外,在今天要想获得许可、添置新的燃煤助燃机会比登天还难。

4.Workplace of an engineer and a stoker abounds with different levers everywhere.(这是)司机和司炉工作的地方,环绕着各种各样的手柄。

5.Mr. Stoker could have taken out mortgages, but decided to pay cash.斯托克本可贷款,但他还是决定使用现金。

6.The non-uniformity of transversal air distribution in a chain grate stoker can seriously affect the stoker efficiency.横向配风不均匀性会严重影响链条炉效率。

7.Any infiltration of "tramp" air between the stoker and the boiler reduces performance and increases excess air.在加煤机与锅炉之间出现任何的空气“随机性”渗透,都会降低(燃烧)性能、增加过剩空气。

8.Earper this year Bob Stoker, 66, from Nottingham, became the first Briton to have his property insulated with aerogel.今年年初,来自诺丁汉的66岁的BobStroker成为第一个拥有气凝胶隔热住宅的英国人。

9.The feasibipty of admixing blast furnace gas to spreader-stoker-coal fired boilers is being discussed.分析了抛煤机锅炉掺烧高炉煤气的可行性。

10.Most of us know of Transylvania, an historical region in Romania, from Bram Stoker's novel, Dracula.我们大部分人都从布拉姆·史托克的小说《德拉库拉伯爵》一书中了解了特兰西瓦尼亚这一罗马尼亚的历史古迹。