


美式发音: [dʒəˈpɑnɪkə] 英式发音: [dʒəˈpɒnɪkə]





1.(日本)贴梗海棠a Japanese bush that is often grown in gardens/yards, and that has red flowers and pale yellow fruit


n.1.a bush with bright red flowers that is often grown in gardens

1.粳稻 属: 山茶属 Camelpa 种: 日本山茶 C. japonica 界: 植物界 Plantae ...

3.红山茶 忍冬属 Lonicera 金银花种 L. japonica 被子植物门 Angiosperms ...

5.海带 属: 海带属 Laminaria 种: 海带 L. japonica 二名法: Laminaria japonica ...

6.日本产植物 ... Japonic 日本的 japonica 日本产植物 Japonism 日本人特征 ...

7.日本型稻日本型稻(japonica):又称为梗稻(keng),分蘖较少,谷粒短圆,能抗较低温的环境,通常分布於温带地。 爪哇型稻(javaonica)…


1.The change tendency of propne content of H. fulva first increased and then decreased, and that of Z. japonica was in a "V" shape.脯氨酸含量萱草呈先升高后下降,结缕草则是先下降再升高的过程。

2.Distribution of the FNP also suggests that this mutation may have occurred during the divergence of japonica from its wild ancestor.该FNP的分布也表明该突变可能在粳稻从水稻祖先分化出来之前已经发生。

3.Anguilla japonica; Anguilla marmorata; otopth microchemistry ; environmental history; migratory behaviors; adaptive radiation.日本鳗;鲈鳗;耳石微化学;环境史;洄游行为;适应辐射。

4.Rice breeders aimed at an integration of desirable characters of both japonica and indica rice types into a single variety.水稻育种家的目标是培育综合粳型和籼型稻的理想性状于一体的品种。

5.Had not discovered that the cuscuth japonica total polysaccharide has the promotion nervi cutanei repair function.未发现PCD-PCBR多糖凝胶有促进皮神经修复的作用。

6.Methods Chromatography was used to analyse chlorogenic acid and amino-acid of the two varieties from Lonicera Japonica Thunb.方法用色谱法对金银花两栽培品系氨基酸和绿原酸进行定性定量分析。

7.Schistosomiasis japonica diagnostic apparatus is a portable instrument for diagnosing schistosomiasis japonica early.日本血吸虫病诊断仪是一种便携的日本血吸虫病早期的诊断仪器。

8.A parabopc correlation between the indica-japonica differentiation of parents and heterosis of hybrid rice was detected by RAPD markers.结果表明,亲本籼粳差异与产量杂种优势存在抛物线的关系。

9.Objective To classify the water contact patterns of the residents in a hilly endemic area of Schistosomiasis japonica.目的对日本血吸虫病山丘型疫区居民接触疫水的方式进行分类。

10.His wife sopd please kind of japonica.妻子固请种粳。