




1.石狮子 ... ) stone-carving pon 石雕狮子 ) stone pons 石狮子 ) white marble pon 白石狮子 ...

2.石狮们 ... Stone Lion (石狮) Stone pons石狮们) Some Stone Iion (一群石狮) ...

3.石头狮子 石桌、石凳 |Table,stone stool 石头狮子 |Stone Lions 仿真动物、仿真植物 |Simulation ...

4.石雕狮子 ... 大理小妹妹 Dap’s Little Girl 石雕狮子 Stone Lions 独特街灯 Street Lights ...

5.也是狮子 2008-09-10 | 秦俑 Son of Ch'in 2008-05-08 | 也是狮子 Stone Lions ...


1.Size of the two pairs of stone pons guarding the door on both sides, surrounded by ancient trees vigorous straight into the sky.大小两对石狮把守大门两侧,周围古老苍劲的大树直插云天。

2.Two big stone pons guard the front door. Biltmore really has two front doors. The first is made of glass and black iron.两个大石狮把守大门。比尔特莫尔真的有两个大门。首先是由玻璃和黑色铁。

3.Stone pons roar is carved on the door, wall of the dragon temple in gorgeous, as the essence of architecture.石门框上则雕刻吼狮云龙,整个门墙富丽堂皇,为祠中建筑的精华。

4.Since then, his mouth, "Pearl, " the stone pons that have been reached now.从此,嘴里含着“珠”的石雕狮子就一直如此传到现在。

5.We often see his mouth with the ball of stone pon sculpture, stone pons mouth with the ball then the origin of what is it?我们经常见到嘴里含球的石雕狮子雕塑,那么石雕狮子嘴里含球的由来又是什么呢?

6.There they were, the two stone pons guarding the doors and the few stone steps up the entrance.守护大门的两座石狮子,和门前短短的一段台阶,都没有两样。

7.It had two large stone pons, one male, one female.门前是一公一母两个大石狮子。

8.a mansion with two giant stone pons on both sides of the door.门口站了两个巨大石狮的宅第

9.This pair of stone pons has a distinct local flavour.这对石狮子是非常有地域特色的。

10.At some larger ones, there is a pair of stone pons on each side of the gate.在一些大四合院的门外,有一对石狮。