




1.雨停的动作我们希望表达的意思是"雨停了之后才出门",也就是"雨停的动作(stop raining)已经完成"之后,强调的是"之后(已完成),因此 …

2.停止下雨 - Yahoo... ... raining 下雨 Stop raining 停止下雨 Stop 停止 ...


1.However, usually it did not last long, after a while, it would stop raining.雨不会下很久,通常在几秒钟之后就会立即停下来。

2.I wish it would stop raining. I'm going stir-crazy being cooped up in this house.希望雨快点停,我整天关在家里都快发疯了。

3.We'll have to put off our trip to Hangzhou till next week if it doesn't stop raining.如果雨不停下来,我们将不得不把赴杭州的旅行推迟到下周

4.She stood with her black face some six inches from the moist windowpane and wondered when on earth would it ever stop raining .她站在窗前,她黝黑的脸离开被雨淋湿的窗玻璃只有几英寸的距离。她不知道,这雨到底要下到几时才停呢?。

5.The rainbow will appear in the sky when it stop raining.当雨停的时候,彩虹会出现在空中。

6.Sometimes it would stop raining long enough for the stars to come out.有时,它会停止下雨了足够长的星星出来。

7.If it doesn't stop raining, I'll stay at home.如果雨不停,我就呆在家里。

8.The radio says that it may stop raining later.广播说一会儿雨可能会停。

9.But don't worry, I think it will stop raining in a minute.但是不用担心,我想雨不久就会停的。

10.You never know, it may stop raining by tomorrow morning.说不定这雨到明天早上就不下了呢。