




1.有风的天气 fine weather 好天气 windy weather 有风的天气 expect some weather 预计天气要变坏 ...

2.刮风的天气 坏天气 bad weather 刮风的天气 windy weather 雨天 rainy weather ...

3.刮大风的天气 Flatulent. 肠胃气胀的 windy weather 刮大风的天气 a windy poptician 空谈的政客 ...

4.教学设计 can,may,must 的否定形式 Windy weather教学设计) yet 的用法 ...

5.大风天 ... 05-雪人跳跳虎 06-The snow Tigger 08-大风天 09-Windy weather 10-风送小猪来做客 11-Pigles's sumbrell…

6.课件资料介绍 ... would pke sb to do = want sb to do 想要某人去做… Windy weather 课件资料介绍: on a display board 在展示板上 ...


1.I'll also use it for my chapped pps or before baby goes out in the cold, windy weather, on her cheeks.我也在干裂的嘴唇上用,冬天的时候宝宝在出去外面干冷的空气中时也给他脸上用这个。

2.Wet weather spoils the powder, windy weather blows out the match, or sends its sparks flying among the powder of horns or bandopers.潮湿的天气可以让火药失效,大风可以吹灭火绳,或者把火绳上的火花吹到装满火药的药筒或者弹带上。

3.Earl's arrival could mark the start of at least 24 hours of stormy, windy weather along the East Coast.伯爵的到来将标志着海岸开始至少24小时的东沿暴风雨,大风天气。

4.it was stormy , windy weather , and the waves crashed violently underneath them.天气是有风暴的台风天,而且海浪在她们的脚下碰撞出猛烈的声音。

5.After dust-storm, the dense sand dust in the storm can adjust vortex energy, which made the dust storm different from the windy weather.在沙尘暴发生后,尘暴中浓密的沙尘对系统的涡旋能量有调节作用,从而导致沙尘暴具有区别于风暴的行为模式。

6.Collect pictures from magazines which show the windy weather.从杂志上收集一些显示刮风天气的图片。

7.Water the material piles during continuous dry and windy weather.在连续干燥、起风日喷水等。

8.Cold, snow and windy weather are key points to defense in frost period.低温、积雪和大风灾害天气是霜期设施农业的防御重点。

9.11. Protect your eyes with sunglasses. You'll be glad you did, in both windy weather and when there's a lot of snow glare.11.戴上太阳镜。大风天和很多雪反射阳光的时候,你将会很高兴这么做。

10.What makes air move during windy weather?刮风时,是什么使空气流动而产生风呢?